Chapter VI

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【Chapter VI】

When you love someone, you should be willing to accept everything your partner does. He still believed in the saying, 'opposites attract' though what he and Ada have is a complete different to the real meaning of that phrase, still they are the opposites. He, as a government agent. While she, a bitch in a red dress, a spy, and assassin. There are a lot of differences both of them have, he, always helps people and he loves to yet always one step behind. While she, an ungrateful bitch and seldom helps people yet always ahead of him.

"Daddy, daddy!" Said a little girl with the same hair color as him, rushing to him because he just came home from work.

He knelt down, as she was approaching her dad, he welcomed her in a warm embrace.

"I have missed you so much, Daddy!" The little girl said.

He looked at his daughter who has the same dirty blonde hair color, looking at her as if he was looking on to his wife. She has the same features that her mom does though the little girl has his blue eyes and hair, the rest was her mom's.

He kissed the sides of her head, "How about you kiss your man on his cheeks, princess?" He sweetly said and his daughter began showering him with kisses. "Where's your mommy?" he asked as she was done kissing him.

"She's cooking inside the kitchen while wearing headphones." The little girl replied while smiling at him. "I'm very hungry, daddy. Could you please tell mommy to make it fast?"

Leon's brows furrowed in confusion. "Did mommy make you a snack in the afternoon?" He curiously asked. Why would his daughter be this hungry?

He knows that his wife wouldn't be that evil to let their little girl be this hungry. Her daughter is known as spoiled, selfish brat for they have her for five years. After all the loving-making out, this is what they have.

"She did yet it wasn't enough. I'm a big girl now!" she said and put her hands in front of her chest.

Leon laughed at her behavior. She got her attitude from her mom. Despite having the sweet, lovely face there's a devil inside. Looks can be deceiving, can't it?

"I just need your extra time and your kiss."

The little girl and his father looked at each other while stifling their laughter. The voice who's singing is coming from their kitchen and obviously it came from his wife.

"I have to put you down, princess. We'll play later, all right? I just have to see your mom." The little girl nodded then Leon put down her daughter, and she ran towards the living room to continue watching her favorite cartoon show.

He started his way to their kitchen and sniffed. Mmm, what a delicious smell and by the smell of it, his tummy suddenly growled inside. He's very hungry for he spend a long tiring day in his work. He doesn't eat at his work for his reason was it doesn't taste like his wife's cook. So he would try not to eat evrn though he's very hungry. He doesn't even know his wife could cook such amazing dishes.

He saw his wife, cooking while swaying her hips from side to side. He saw her wearing a headphones and wasn't aware that her husband is now sneaking up on her to surprise her.

While she was chopping the onions, she was tossing her knife up and catching it, continuing to slice the ingredients. Leon caught her waist and automatically she looked at him and a sweet smile spread across her face.

He swung her around to face him, she lowered her headphones and let it rested above her shoulders. She passionately kissed her husband and the man quickly responded to her kiss.

Leon KennedyWhere stories live. Discover now