Chapter I

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【Chapter I】

Five years later...

“Leon, you have been assigned to a new job to finish.”

Ingrid Hunnigan awaken Leon from reality, keeping his head focused on the screen. He was too busy to notice that Hunnigan is now already standing in front of him, hands are on the sides of her waist.

He was busy typing his report on a newly discovered virus invented by Glenn Arias which has a successful ending. It wasn’t really his mission, he only helped Chris Redfield to finish Glenn Arias because it was his duty to stop spreading any virus globally since 1998.

He looked at her and didn’t utter a sound, she took it as a gesture to continue her sentence.

“B.S.A.A. Chris Redfield needs your help again. He wants you to examine this abandoned building located just outside Washington. He said that there’s a possibility that the only one remaining virus left was inside of that building..”

Leon paid no attention to her, all that he could think about is how annoying this woman in front of him keeps on babbling wherein he wasn’t listening in the first place yet of course, no matter how annoying she is he must abide whatever mission they give him.

And yet, something she has said caught his attention so he cut her off by raising his point finger. “Who on earth would leave a virus in an old abandoned building? That is pretty stupid way of thinking if you’d ask me.”

“It was on the headquarters radar.”

“Maybe it was some kind of bait.” He replied back quickly.

“Just go check on it because it is miles away from them and you’re taking Agent Helena Harper with you.”

“No, I’m doing it alone.” He retorted, he saves the file first before standing up. “I like working things all by myself.” With that, he walked passed by Hunnigan and when he was about to open the door in front of him, Hunnigan spoke.

“You need a vacation.”

There was a long pause that greeted her before he let out a snigger. “After all I’ve been through you seriously thought that having a vacay would loosen me up?” He said and turned his head from her direction. “Like a normal people usually do?” He added with a hint of sarcasm.

Hunnigan let out a sigh being used to Leon’s stubborness. She walked towards to him, gently patted his shoulder. “I know you’ve been searching her.” With that, she opened the door from his office and exited; leaving him alone.

He walked towards to his desk then let out a snicker. Vacation, huh? Without any hesitations, he instantly held the mug on his desk and threw it on the wall. It was shattered into thousands of pieces before he could realize what he was doing. He stomped his feet ruthlessly before taking a handful of his hair angrily while shouting furiously. Slowly sitting down behind his desk and punched the desk abaft, it left a marked of his knuckles on it.

Later on, he took a deep sigh. What have you done to me? He stood up, wore his stoic face. Taking his hands from his lap he got his helmet on his hand and started walking his way towards the parking lot to use his bike.

As he arrived in the abandoned building, he turned off the engine. He scanned the area and saw a lot of windows have already cracks on it, indeed an old abandoned bulding also some of those paintjobs that gangsters usually do to mark their so called territory. He removed his helmet and placed it at the sides of the handlebar. He immediately reached for his berreta and put it in front of him, then checked for its bullets. He got off of his bike, took his flashlight and then he opened it while walking his way through the entrance.

Leon KennedyWhere stories live. Discover now