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Unknown P.O.V

I was outside on the patio with Nick (Wolfhard), Mina, Jordan and Wyatt (Oleff) just talking about old times when Faith and Lucas came running to us with a smile. We all looked at the both of them with a smile. They were adorable.

"Look at what we found!" Faith said smiling.

"What is it?" Wyatt asked smiling. Faith opened up her hand. She was holding a small box, in it were two promise rings.

"Where did you get that?" I asked.

"We found those in a drawer and we like it." Lucas said.

"Where did you get this?" She asked. Then I remembered that very special day we exchanged them.

"A very special person gave it to me." I replied with a smile.

"Let's show them some of the pictures." Nick suggested.

"I agree." Mina added.

"What pictures Nick?" Lucas said looking up at him. He smiled and picked him up.

"Pictures of Aida and Finn!"

"It will be lots of fun!" Mina cheered while picking up Faith.

"Yeah." Wyatt said

"Okay, let's go to the living room." I said.

We all sat down in the living room and I took out an old photo album. All seven of us were on one couch, I sat in the middle with Mina on my right with Faith on her lap and Nick on my left with Lucas on his lap. I opened the photo album and we started flipping through it.

A/N: This I just the start of it... And yes you won't find out the POV until the end of the story, because it could be anyone's. I think people will like this. The next chapter will be set 5 years ago in the past.

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