Chapter 1: The Queen Bee

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''Mind and Heart''

drink from the well of your self and begin again.

Social pyramids are an essential. 

Some people win, some people lose. That is a principal of life and always has been. Some of us inevitably are born with more and some of us with less. Your social, economic and environmental status are the most influential aspects of your life and the worst part is, you don't have access to those until you are fully grown. 

Running her fingers through her slick black hair, Nicki brought me back to the sheer high school reality I've been sentenced to live in.

Nicki,  whom I've known since the start of high school, had olive skin and shiny long black hair. A physique that made every girl feel self-conscious - not me though, of course not. My name is Audrey, and you see I'm one of those cliché high school people. Except I'm not blonde, or dumb, like most popular people you find in high school teenage movies. I'm a not so natural redhead with an IQ of 138 and rich parents. See all those social constructs people struggle with, they don't exist for me. 

For the love of God Nic. I said pressing my fingers on my temples. Talk about living vicariously through your friends. Too vicariously. 

Fay gave a look of sympathy. We knew each other since we were five years old as our mom were best friends. Rich people stick to rich people. 

 Back in class, the voice of our high school teacher was barely noticeable. Insecurities. Towards the front of the room you could hear the nerds complaining about how they can't get a proper education if they can't hear what their teacher is saying half the time. 

I turn to my girlfriends. 'So I heard Mrs.Flitcher called in sick. She's not gonna be at school for the next three days' 

'Great news! I can search the school, bump into Lucas and say that fate brought us together' Nicki giggled. Who Lucas is, don't ask me I have no idea. Nevertheless, Fay's bad temper seems to slowly be catching up with her as she's huffing and puffing over Nicki's childish remarks.  Never knew why she was so temperamental - she's got great parents. 

Mrs. Kendal, our teacher lets out a visible sigh of despair as the class turns to us. She demands us to keep quiet with a tremble in her voice. Who gets stressed over confronting teenagers? Again, insecurities. 

The religious ring of the school bell echoed as Nicki who's in a hurry to molest Lucas I believe. I start walking towards my locker when I feel a pair of rough hands around my eyes. 

Logan.  You're ruining my make-up take your hands off me please!

Damn woman you really have zero chill. He said leaning closer to reach for my lips but public affection has never been my thing, so rejection is the absolute necessity here. 


The school cafeteria looks like a jungle. Almost like the one depicted in Mean Girls except this is 2022 and political correctness and sensitivity have taken over so you have popular nerds and stunning girls with social anxiety sitting together. The world has gone to shit, I know.

 I take my seat at our usual lunch spot, Logan and I are the first ones there. This is a typical high school cafeteria and our table is in the perfect location. Right next to the french doors, welcoming the hot summer breeze during heatwaves and next to the vending machine (I am pretty sure none of the boys have ever paid for anything in there, they just violently shake it before getting back to class). I'm a creature of habit so I like this table. 

Not a big fan of change; or so my therapist says. She says I find comfort in my habits because they give me a sense of control which is a form of coping mechanism. ''Apparently''. What does she know anyway? I'm almost certain she doesn't have kids judging from the office opening hours. Nobody works 8am - 9pm unless they are seriously lonely and have nothing to come back to. Unless she has cats; I should ask her next time, would catch her off guard - could be fun. '

'There we go, now the moron puzzle is complete'. Zeo Balls and Tristan Sawyer are approaching the table alongside Fay. Logan's best friends since elementary school. Logan and Sawyer are two truly similar characters - two peas in a pod. Both arrogant, obnoxious jocks with an IQ of a 4 year old. And then there is Zeo, so quiet and reserved. Always raving about PC gaming and anime collectibles. 

'Give your buddy some love!' Sawyer leaned in for a high five. He lets out a satisfied sigh and sitsdown to share the excitement of human intercourse with the rest of the group. Classic testosterone bubblehead, talking about where he had sex as if the world owes him a medal for it.

'Could you chew with your mouth closed?' I took my eyes off my black Chanel mirror for a moment.  My dad gave it to me as a present for the week. 'Also relax, you didn't cure HIV, if anything you most likely got it.' I stated gluing my eyes back onto my reflection. Sawyer seemed unobothered by my remark and continued describing details of last night.

'So, Audrey. Have you heard?' Fay shifted in her seat, tearing her eyes off the boys. 

'Heard what?'

'This Lucas guy.' She paused. 'He has a sister so this could be interesting'

A/N: This is Audrey

Peace,Love,Pizza in your stove

Roxy M.

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