shattered glass
millie stayed with her parents that night. just like when she was a kid.
she stayed curled up between them, pretending to sleep in their millie sandwich, as they used to call it. her mom and dad would wrap their arms around her from either side and squeeze her tight that all her problems would just melt away.
but now her half-awake mom had her phone in her hand, dozing off, waiting for a phone call about millie's case. and on the other side, her father was having a nightmare, as she could tell my his tossing and turning.
millie felt like a burden.
she was a burden, even as a dead person.
eight hours later all three of them were sitting at a desk across from a doctor; the same doctor that had tested millie for pregnancy. they were at the office with a lawyer present, waiting for the doctor to come and share his side of the story.
millie remembered going to the doctor about a month ago. her doctor wasn't there, so she had to have another doctor check her out. she had been throwing up, getting bad cramps even through she wasn't on her period, and her boobs hurt. she compensated pregnancy. but she never slept with anyone, so she didn't think much of it.
she went to the doctor with her mom, but went into the room alone, claiming that she was readying herself for adulthood.
millie then asked her doctor if it could be, and he took a blood sample. when it came back, he verified she wasn't pregnant, and instead told her it was the flu, and gave her some medication recommendation.
after that, threw up less, so she thought it was working.
apparently, that wasn't the case.
suddenly, the doctor walked into the room.
dr. reiser took a seat across from them.
after they greeted one another, millie watched as the lawyer asked mnumerous questions. the doctor seemed mostly calm. some questions made him nervous, though.
for example:
"so millie bobby brown came in, suggested pregnacy despite the fact that she never engaged in sexual intercourse, and you took a blood test, correct?"
"yes," reiser confirmed.
"and you're not her regular doctor, correct? what happened to her regular doctor that day?"
"uh....." he seemed nervous, "i'm not sure. he called me and asked to fill in for him,"
"do you have a record of that call?"
"uh......i tend to delete my phonecalls because they take up phone storage,"
"did he call you on your work phone?" the lawyer asked.
"yes," reiser said weakly.
"you shouldn't delete phone calls on your work phone, it's suspicious,"
and millie was suspicious.
so when the briefing was over, after millie's parents and the lawyer left, millie followed the unfamiliar doctor. he went and sat down in his own office, pushing his rolling chair to the corner of the room. he picked up his phone and dialed a number millie couldn't recognize.
millie couldn't hear whoever was on the other side.
she just heard the doctor, with his eyebrows drawn together, nervously muttering into the phone.
"listen, the parents just came and briefed me. you didn't tell me there'd be this many risks. i need something else," he said, running a hand through his grey hair.
millie gasped.
she felt her breaths hitch and her chest heave. the doctor....the doctor had a part in her death. he lied to the lawyer and lied to her parents and most especially he lied to millie.
the doctor continued, chuckling, "ha. where'd you get thank kind of money? your daddy?"
millie just couldn't think. was it the doctor's fault entirely? no, clearly he was working with or for somebody. why would anybody want her dead? she hadn't done anything wrong.
"alright. sounds good. i'll talk to you soon,"
and as the doctor walked out of the office, millie stood in office staring out the window, her eyes wide, suddenly realizing how incomprehensible her life- and death- was.
little confusing&kinda boring but it's necessary stuff for future chapters.
also yayyyyy 400 views!! :) thank y'all for liking& supporting my story :)
also to make up for the crappiness, another chapter will be posted in like an hour :)

ghost // fillie
Fanfictionhe was her king and she was his queen. but now she's dead. #1 in fillie 01/20/19 started 3/14/18 completed 8/02/18