hopefully y'all aren't crying anymore because i have answers for you.
why did millie choose sadie over finn?
millie doesn't do well under pressure. we can see that- literally any times she's under pressure she freaks out and makes an impulsive decision.
millie had already knew in her subconscious that finn wasn't a good option, and she was comfortable with sadie. so she chose sadie.
why did finn kill himself?
finn doesn't like to open up about a lot. he usually keeps things to himself. but, in a desperate time of need, he talked to winona, but he felt like she didn't really care about him. he tried talking to his mom, she only cared about her work. he was detached from his friends.
but finn had this idea inside his head, that he would become a ghost, too. that he would become a ghost and be with millie, and still have sadie and his friends.
but he was wrong.
if finn hadn't died, what would've happened to millie?
this story is actually inspired by a little universe i created where you become a ghost until your soulmate dies.
so millie would've remained until finn died.
what happened to charlie?
charlie went to court and was rightfully punished. he proved he was blackmailed, so his sentence was actually less harsh than it should've been.
what happened to modine?
modine was out in jail for 45 years for selling drugs, sexual abuse of a minor, and second degree murder. he died in jail twenty years into his sentence.
what happened to wyatt?
there's not really too much to tell about wyatt. he left jack's squad and found some new friends, and always tried to support sadie. he had to give a testimony in court, but he lived a normal life after.
what happened to millie and finn?
i'd like to think they meet up in some kind of heaven. but it's really up for you to decide.
was this story inspired by anything?
i've been told my story if i stay. but i didn't notice until later. it is not inspired by harry potter (for the person who asked me if i was inspired by deathly hallows) because i never read harry potter (oops don't @ me).
my story is actually inspired by a picture. i saw this picture of millie and was immediately inspired by this and that au i created in my head.
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for those very earlier followers of this story, you might recall this being the cover for the first few chapters.
have you had this ending planned since the beginning?
yes. i always knew i wanted finn to die in the end because it's actually a happier ending compared to how their lives would actually go if they had continued on.
did finn go to hell because he killed himself?
it's funny you ask that because this was supposed to be a two-book series. i was planning on making a sequel where millie was in heaven and finn was in hell and they had to find each other but after i started writing it....it felt wrong.
i preferred the idea that finn and millie we're together in heaven. it made me feel more at peace.
did millie's powers increase with time or was she discovering more and more of it as she went?
the latter. millie has always had the same powers. but they were only activated when the ring was worn and they mostly became active when she freaked out.
what happened to ava?
because of modine's threat, the police have kept careful watch over her for her entire life. even though her childhood was sad, she had a nice family and lived a long time.
what happened to sadie and caleb?
regarding their relationship, they split after high school and reunited after college. they were together for a long time before getting married and having two kids.
independently, sadie never fully recovered from millie&finn. she went to see a therapist, who helped her. because of that, she was a therapist.
calen wanted to be a business man, but after the incident, he found it compelling to be a police officer.
will you write any more of this book?
who knows. i was thinking about writing some bonus chapters because i love this story so much, but we'll see.
are you writing anymore fillie books?
maybe ;)
feel free to follow me on insta for more fillie related/ghost related stuff @booknrd187 . if you have more questions, i'll answer them on this page. come and check 24 hours after you post the question and i should leave an answer.