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~ in waking ~

caleb slept over that night.

it felt weird to have someone else in the room while mille watched finn sleep. she didn't watch his every breath as finn left the television so millie could watch whatever was on and change the channel if she really wanted to.

but what finn has said has confirmed how far she had to stay from him. he needed to heal and live his life.

but that didn't mean millie couldn't look at him and try to remember what life used to be like. like when they would lay on finn's bed, eat tortilla chips and watch a movie. and how they would play a board game every single friday together, and the winner got to pick the movie they would watch.

but millie remembered being curled up on his bed, while finn's arm was draped around her shoulders, millie sinking into his embrace. she remembered that warmth, that comfort, that safety she always had with him. it was like warm honey pouring into her stomach. there was just no feeling quite like it- being safe in the arms of the person you love.

and millie knew she would never feel again.

so she tried to think about other things.

at first they were random things, like corndogs and puppies, but suddenly, she remembered the phone call between dr. reiser and a mysterious figure. the voice on the other side of the phone was inaudible, at least to millie. but something was wrong.

and millie knew that no one would know anything if millie didn't say something.

she had to tell sadie.


"sadie" millie whispered, hovering over her bed.

sadie was sound asleep, her red hair bunched up into a bun, her face soft and rested. it felt strange to see her so.... at peace. sadie had been so tense and stressed and worried and angry, millie didn't want to wake her up.

millie bit her lip and instead retreated towards her door.

but then millie heard, "millie? it's one in the morning,"

millie froze and let out a breath, "oh. sorry to wake you,"

sadie turned on her bedside lamp, sitting up in her bed, "no. no. it must be important. what's up?"

millie turned around to face her, her hands clasped together, "uh.......i uh......,"

millie kept thinking back to sadie's calm face and asked, "are you sure you wanna know?"

sadie drew her eyebrows together, "if you woke me up at one a.m. it must be important,"

millie clicked her tongue, "okay then. well, really it's two things. one, i think dr. reiser lied to my parents about not being involved in my death. i overheard him talking to someone about money,"

sadie's eyes widened, "what? millie what the hell? why didn't you tell me?"

"i didn't want to worry you, but now i know it's kind of important," millie said, playing with her hands, "sorry,"

sadie ran a hand through her hair, looking up in thought before returning her gaze back to millie, "okay, what's the second one?"

"oh, yeah. caleb definitely has a crush on you,"


"okay, sadie, when i said we have to do something, i didn't mean like right now," millie said, walking through the snowy sidewalk, lit only by some dim street lamps.

"no, that doctor better be ready to fucking fight me," sadie said, rubbing her hands together, watching her breath make a cloud of warmth, "he killed my best friend,"

millie tried to make a cloud of warmth, but nothing came out. she was a ghost. then she cleared her throat and said, "okay, first of all, we don't know that it was him. and if you really want to fist fight him, you're an idiot,"

sadie shook her head, "nah, i'm just gonna break into his house and send his voicemails to my phone so we can see what he said,"

millie drew her eyebrows together, "you can do that? what if his phone has a password. better yet, he said he deleted voicemails and traces of any call he made,"

sadie shook her head, "i know how to recover that sort of shit. it's not rocket science. i learned it when i accidentally deleted my crush's voicemail. it took some research but it's really not that hard,"

"and the decoding?"

sadie pulled out some kind of sheet from her pocket, "fingerprints,"

millie drew her eyebrows together, "so how are you planning on obtaining this phone,"

sadie bit her lip, "that's where you come in,"

okay i know not much action has been happening, but these are all necessary for buildup. please comment and vote; i see all your wonderful comments and ily all so much.

also guess who's turning 16 on wednesday??? ya girl right here.

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