chapter 2: let's hope it's true

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Emelia's P.O.V

it's been three days since I went to labor, today I'm finally going home, we walked out the doors while I was holding our baby girl, we decided to name her 'melody'. Melody Way. Gerard opened the trunk and put some items that the hospital gave us for melody, then he opened the door for us to get in as he did the same thing for him.

Emelia:"I can't believe she's gone..."

Gerard:"well...but entirely..."

Emelia:"what are you talking about?"

Gerard:*laughs* " well...she's still gone but...Carrie tried bringing her back. she tried two days ago so where still wondering if it's gonna work or not."

Emelia:"if she did a spell out something...wouldn't she be alive already?"

Gerard:"I don't know...when you died...Carrie tried bringing you woke up a week later."

Emelia:"so does that mean there's still hope?"


he says as his phone rings.

Gerard:"can you answer that for me babe?"


I said as I grabbed his iPhone and answered it without reading the label while he began driving.

*on phone*


???:"hello? Gerard?"

Emelia:"Who's this?"

???:"you ready don't know? it's me lynz. who are you?"




*hangs up*

she hanged up on me. the one who lied about her pregnancy hanged up. why did she call? what does she want with Gerard?

I began with millions of thoughts until Gerard speaks.

Gerard:"who was that?"



I said as I cleared my throat.


Gerard:"what did she want?"


Emelia:"I don't know..I told her it was me and she hanged up..."

Gerard:"Em it's not what you know that right?"

Emelia:"yea I know...I'm just surprised that she's still into our lives..."

Gerard:"I know. I don't like it either. but she apologized already...she really didn't mean it...I've talked to her and she won't do anything like that again."

Emelia:"'let's hope it's true."

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