chapter 22: Shelby on phone

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melody's P.O.V

I was about to take Linda's hands until we all heard footsteps come to my room. the door opened and Linda and blackheart disappeared while my mom walks in.

Emelia:"hey, I thought you were sleepy."

melody:"I was but I don't know. I guess I'm not tired anymore."

I said as I sat on my bed.

Emelia:"why what's wrong?"

she says as she closes the door behind her and sits on my bed with me.

melody:"mommy....why didn't you tell me about your other friends?"


Emelia:"what other friends?"

melody:"blackheart and Linda."

her face went into shock. she stood up and started pacing back and forth as she called out for dad. we waited a couple of minutes until the door swung up revealing daddy.

Gerard:"what's wrong?"

Emelia:"she knows about blackheart and linda."

she says, his face goes into shock as he turned to look at me. he closed the door behind him as sat on his knees in front of me as he holds my hands while mom stands next to him.

Gerard:"how do you know about them?"

melody:"they were in my room a few minutes ago. they said they're old friends of yours, they wanted me to go with them to get to know me better, I was gonna the their hand Until mommy walks in."

I said, mommy covered her mouth with her hand as daddy pulled me in for a tight hug.

Gerard:"if they ever come again, I want you to scream or something. they're not good people; they were here to kidnap you. we were never ever ever friends with them. they've tried killing us, and since you're a powerful one...they want you...never take their hand, never listen to them, do you understand?"

I nod and he pulls me in for a hug.

Emelia's P.O.V

I watched as Gerard hugged melody tight in his arms. the thought of blackheart and Linda visiting her just gives me the chills. I continued watching them while I smiled until my phone ringed. I looked at the caller ID and it was unknown but I picked it up anyways.

*on phone*


???:"hi, is this Emelia Way?"

said a woman on the phone.

Emelia:"yes this is she, who is this?"

???:"my name is Shelby, I have two kids here at my house saying that they belong to you but have no idea how to get you mind coming here for them?"

Emelia:"oh of course not, I'll be there soon."

Shelby:"ok, I'll text you my address when the call is over, thanx."

Emelia:"ok and no problem."

*hangs up*

Shelby. her name was Shelby; what if it's her?! what If she's my fake mom said her name was Shelby...could it be her? I guess there's only one way to find out.

Gerard:"who was that?"

he asks as he pulls from their hug and both stare at me for an answer.

Emelia:"it was a woman named Shelby...Angel and flora at her house....and I think she's my mom..."

I said, his face goes into shock as a tear fell from my eye. I turned around and rushed down stairs as I heard Gerard following me.

Gerard:"Em wait! how do you know it's her?"

Emelia:"my fake mom said that my real parents Names are Shelby and kellen Corcran..."

Gerard:"just...please be careful.."

Emelia:"I know.."

I said as I grabbed my keys and coat then walked out the door.

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