chapter 11: a talk with the dead

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Gerard's P.O.V

we continued talking in the kitchen and had a couple of laughs, the guys were drinking bottles of blood, although I was drinking beer, I'm not a fan of beer, I usually just have 1 and that's it, besides With melody around, I can't drink much.

we started saying jokes and then laughed like crazy but then we heard loud knocks on the door causing us to be startled and curious. we looked at each other to see echo would open it but then the same loud knock appeared so I handed melody to Frank and went to open the door. as soon as I opened it, I found Em, Cece, daisy, Jessica and the new girl Christa, they all looked scared, cold and apparently it was raining because they were walking wet. I opened the door more and they rushed inside.

Gerard:"what's going on? I thought it was girls night out?"

Christa:"some creepy pale guy snuck into the house, then he got shot with fire and then oh my fucking god! Nicolas cage saved us and told us to come here!!....what the fuck it's going on here??!!"

Gerard:"I'm guessing it was blackheart..."

Christa:"wait, from ghost rider? wtf he's fake."

Ray:"no he's not...he's real and also his dark magic."

Gerard:"he's been after us for a while now."

Cece:"guys I can sense something bad happening but I just don't know what."

she says, Mikey came from downstairs with a bunch of blankets and handed them to the girls. Em wrapped the blanket Around her and went to go see melody while Christa was freaking out.

Ray:"come on Christa, I'll go explain everything."

he says as he takes her upstairs. In my opinion, I think Christa and Ray will become more than friends because I feel like Christa is a lot like him but the girl version of him.

daisy:"so what are we gonna do?"

Cece:"we're gonna find out what's going on...we need to speak to your mom Em."

Emelia:"as much as I love that idea, how are we gonna do that?"

Cece:"we can summon her."


Cece:"first, we need to draw a star on the ground, then put candles on each corner and say a spell..what do you think?"


Emelia:"let's do it."

they nodded and went to get items for the star. once they drew the star, they lite up all the candles. when everything was set up everyone sat in circle and Cece began reading the spell.

Cece:"listen death, the death that comes to earth, listen well and give me the power to speak, give us the power to defeat evil."

she says and a small tornado of wind appeared in the center on the star, revealing Em's family except her dad.

Emelia:" that really you?"


Claudia:"hi Em."

Shaun:"it's so good to see you! especially the newest member of the group."

Claudia:"you and Gerard did wonderful on her!"

mom:"she's got your eyes Em."

they said as Em hugged melody and shed a tear.

Cece:"um, excuse me for ruining your little moment but um..we need help."

mom:"I know. it's why you called. and I know the answers to your questions."

daisy:"so what's going on?"

mom:"'s Linda."

Emelia:"my grandma?"

mom:"yes. your grandma doesn't look old at all its just...she's the evil pixie queen...she never took care of me...she hated me, she tried killing me once but I survived....and now that I'm dead, she's upset that she wasn't the one who killed me...the only reason for her revenge is...well....she's planning on capturing melody."

she says, everyone gasped and I grabbed Em's hand and her grip got tighter.

mom:"now Em, you have a lot of enemy's...but this time...they're after melody...all of them...blackheart, Chris, your father, abigor, wallow, gressil and the last but not least...the evil pixie queen."

Emelia:"no.she's never getting her hands on her."

mom:"she doesn't just want revenge...she wants power...and since melody is a human/pixie/vampire....she wants her for her newest project...she wants slaves that are just like melody but bad ones....the kind that kills our people...I'm other words, humans."

Emelia:"oh my god."

she says as gives melody to daisy and brings her knees to her chest, I wrapped my arm around her as she began to sob.

Cece:"is there a way to stop all this?"


mom:"yes...but you'll need help...and lots of it..."

*please read*

hehe so that was it for this chapter, what did you guys think? sorry this was posted late, I wrote it earlier but had no WiFi until now but anyways, you're in for a surprise ^.^ until next time :)

I think all the readers should be called 'Paranormers' haha you know how for all the glee fans, their called 'gleeks' well I was thinking 'paranormers' what do you guys think of that? haha it was the best I could come up with but if you have something better, please comment :)

so if you guys like this chapter, Make sure to vote or comment or do both haha well until next time:)

love you paranormers!<3


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