chapter 20: pool of w(B) a(L) t(O) e(O) r(D).

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A.N: so I just realized that this book is now on chapter 20. wow, that was quick haha but that's ok because I'm trying to make it long, and by 'long' I mean 70-90 chapters; around there. remember to refresh your library because I numbered my chapters wrong but I now fixed them lol silly me cx well ok, carry on paranormers. :)

Emelia's P.O.V

it was now dark outside, 8:23pm. Me, Gerard and Cece were sitting on a table. Gerard was my 'Spanish teacher' from now on. Cece would snap her fingers to make items appear and I would have to translate the item in spanish. if I get the word wrong then he would say the right way. we've gone thro the words already, right now this is like my 'test' I guess.

*dog appears.*


Gerard:*laughs* "perro."

*lamp appears*

Emelia:"ok ok I know this um...lampito?"

Gerard:*laughs* "adding 'ito' to every single word doesn't make it Spanish. it's lampara by the way."

Emelia:"I know this is just hard."

I said as melody comes down with her teddy and served herself some milk. she's gotten bigger, we've already had 5 months with her and she already looks like a 4-5 year old.

melody:"what are you guys doing?"

she asks as Gerard picks her up and places her on his lap facing me and Cece.

Emelia:"trying to learn Spanish."

Cece:"well she is."

melody:"ooo I wanna try!"

she says then the rest of the guys come down stairs and knew what we were doing.

*cat appears*


she says, everyone started clapping and congratulating her as my mouth was wide open...this just proves that the daughter is smarter than the mom with Spanish.

Frank:*laughs* "you daughter just showed you!!"

Emelia:"yes Frank I know."

I said annoyed as everyone laughed, of course I was proud of her but how does she know the words when she hasn't even gone over them with us. everyone started laughing and I was getting a headache.

Emelia:"I need a break."

I said and stood up and rushed upstairs as everyone ignored my little comment and continued laughing. I was now in our bedroom, I opened my drawer and took out a towel then headed into the bathroom and locked the door then turned on the water on the tub as I took off my clothing.

once I was undressed, I stepped into the warm water. I always liked taking baths, there really relaxing when you desperately need one. I closed my eyes and started relaxing, I feel the water's texture become thicker but I think it's just me and my silly thoughts. I had my little scrub and grabbed it then started wetting my neck as I dipped the scrub in the water while still having my eyes closed.

I started to feel movement in the water; like if I wasn't the only one in here, I opened my eyes and was scared completely. I was in a tub filled with blood. I sat up and almost began to cry until I see a person's head come up from the other end of the pool. it was slowly reveling him/her self. when it was out, it was a girl With black hair covering parts of her face, gray dirty skin with white eyes and a hint of yellow. I was so scared that I was speechless. I felt like I couldn't move. the girl smiled revealing her broken yellow teeth then I felt hands grab my foot and pulled me underneath the water, drowning me. I tried making it to the surface as I wiggled around underneath the water struggling for air but the the person holding me down was so strong. I started panicking even more when I needed air, I started kicking but It was useless; then I start losing my breath and fall asleep.

Melody's P.O.V

daddy put me down and I finished my cup of milk, I put it on the kitchen counter and made my way to my room playing with Mr.Pinkie. I named my pink teddy Mr.Pinkie. as I continued playing tea with him and all my other toys, I started hearing voices but I realized that it's probably my imagination. I've been having scary nightmares lately. nightmares where I can't wake up until my body isn't sleepy anymore. my nightmare is I'm having a tea party with my toys and I turn to my right and see a girl with soaking wet hair covering parts of her face. Gray dirty skin with white eyes and a hint of yellow in them and she smiles like a clown to me. I stand up from my chair and so does she. then I make a run for it and she starts chasing me without taking that freaky smile off her face. after remembering my dream I realized that I have to use the bathroom.

I headed down stairs and noticed someone was in it. I headed up stairs to mommy and daddy's bedroom and checked they're bathroom and someone was in it. I knocked but there was no answer. I think it's mom; I waited patiently for her to finish for about 3 minutes and knocked again.

melody:"mommy hurry up, I gotta do my business!"

no reply. I sighed and ran down stairs to where daddy was and found him and the guys talking in the same spot where I left them.

melody:"daddy, I gotta use the restroom and mommy is taking forever."

Gerard:"did you knock?"

melody:"yes like hundreds of times! (I like being sarcastic sometimes) but she don't reply."

I said, his face goes into shock and he rushes upstairs to where mommy was while the guys followed him. he knocked on the door and waited for a response but there was nothing.

Gerard:"Em open up! are you ok?!"

nothing. my feet started to feel wet, I looked down and saw red liquid coming out of the door.

melody:"daddy what's that?"

I said pointing to the liquid and his face goes into shock

Gerard:"melody stand back."

he says, I obeyed his orders and he kicks down the door.

oooo haha I was actually getting the chills and excitement while writing this haha hope you enjoyed! well until next time! :)

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