chapter 7: EmPtY tAbLe

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Gerard's P.O.V

Bob:"hey how bout you and Cece go on?"

Frank:"oh no, I'm no singer."

Mikey:"well tonight you are, if I had to go up there then you do too."

Cece:"come on, it'll be fun!"


he says as Cece starts jumping with excitement and grabs Frank's hand as they both walked up to the mini screen to choose a song. I looked over at melody and b she seems to be starring at another table that was empty.

gerard:"hey Em, what do you think she's looking at?"

I whispered to her so that no one else could hear. Em looked at me confused and then took a look at melody who was still staying at the table.

Emelia:"-she's probably just day dreaming.."

I nod and continue keeping an eye on her but after a few more minutes she starts crying like crazy. Em grabs get and says 'shh' to her to calm her down.

melody was crying pretty bad, tears falling down from her eyes, her face was as red as a rose, her crying was just getting worse, I wonder what's making her like this. Em handed me melody so that she could get her bottle out, she gave me the bottle and I put it inside melody's mouth but she refused it and continued crying.

gerard:"I'm gonna take her outside for fresh air."

I said as Em nods with a worried look. I went outside and started rocking melody to make her fall asleep, and the best part was that one we were out in the fresh air, she stopped crying.

after about 10 minutes of rocking melody to sleep, she visit feel asleep. I went back inside and saw Cece and Frank already sitting down on the table.

Bob:"is she ok?"

gerard:"yea, it took a while to make her fall asleep but it was worth it."

Cece:"so she was just starring at that empty table and starts crying?"


Bob:"and it was like beyond crying. like horrific crying like-"

Emelia:"ok we get it."


Cece:"something's not right...just because she starts starring at something and then randomly starts crying doesn't mean that it's normal...she was starring at it for a reason."

Mikey:"you don't think she was day dreaming?"

Cece:"I doubt it."

Emelia:"so what are you saying?"


Cece:"we're being watched."

she says as we all turn to look at the Empty table. we see more customers walk in, 5 random girls with short party dresses and 3 guys. they all walked to the Empty table and sat down. maybe Cece was right...we're being who?

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