chapter 14: growing up so fast

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Gerard's P.O.V

*piano playing*

"Fake your death" by My Chemical Romance

Gerard:"some people watch, some people pray, but even lights

can fade away. some people hope, some people pay, but why'd

we have to stay? cause even heroes get the blues, or any

misery you choose, you like to watch, we like to use, and we

were born to lose..I choose defeat, I walk away, and leave this

place, the same today, some like to sleep, we like to play, just

look at all that want the heart or to be saved, but even

good guys still get paid, so watch my back, and keep the blade,

I think it got you laid, so fake your death or it's your blame, and

leave the lights on when you stay, take off your clothes, and

dream that fame, come on and feel that shame...I choose

defeat, I walk away, and leave this place, the same today, some

like to sleep, we like to play, just look at all that pain.....just look

at all that pain (3x)...just give me all that pain (3x)...I choose

defeat, I walk away, and leave this place, the same today, some

like to sleep, we like to play, just look at all that pain..."

*piano and clapping and stomping noises*


Gerard:"thank you everybody!...goodnight."

I said as me and the guys walked off the stage to our last my chemical romance concert. we already announced our break up, it was tuff but...we were Able to get through it. we walked into our dressing rooms and found Em and Cece sitting on the couch while watching melody. Em looked up at us and smilied then walked over to me and hugged me as I hugged her back and Cece doing the same to Frank.

Emelia:"you did amazing."

she said as she placed her hand on my cheek and I have her a slight smile.

Cece:"we want to show you guys something."

she said as Em and Cece looked at each other smiling then Em got melody and placed her on the floor. I can't believe it. melody is standing up.

Emelia:"come on melody, show daddy what you can do."

she said, melody looked at her then at me and gave me a smile and started walking slowly towards me. she's doing it...she's walking. it's only been 5 weeks and she's already walking. I bent down on my knees to hold her when she arrived to me and pretty soon she was 2 feet away from me and giggled, I lifted her up and have her a hug as she put her fingers in her mouth.

Cece:"I told you she's fast growing."

she said and we all laughed.


Ray:"well come on guys, let's give Em and Gerard some privacy."

he says and everyone nods and walks out the door leaving just me and Em with melody.

Gerard:"she's growing up so fast...literally." *chuckles*

Emelia:"yea...pretty soon she'll be talking then going to school, then all just happens so fast."

Gerard:"I know... I wonder what age she'll stop growing."

Emelia:"maybe 18?"

Gerard:"who knows."




Emelia:"do you really think ending mcr will help?"


Gerard:"yea I mean, sure we'll still have paranormal things around us by blackheart and all this guys but once we beat will all be over...I promise."

I said and planted a kiss on her lips. we pulled apart and she she took a seat and started panicking.

Gerard:"Em what's wrong?"

I said, she placed both her hands on her mouth and started breathing heavily then placed one hand on her hip and the other on her forehead and started pacing back and forth. I placed melody on the couch and walked over to Em and placed my hand on her cheeks.

Gerard:"Em look at me. what's wrong?

Emelia:"we forgot about them."

Gerard:"about who?"

Emelia:"Angel and flora."


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