chapter 29: a bad 'mother'

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Gerard's P.O.V

Gerard:" you know where they went inside the portal?"

Cece:"no but maybe we can check in Linda's castle and see if there's any clues, maybe another clue to help turn Frank back."

she says as Frank sits next to her on the couch and rests his chin on Cece's lap.

Mikey:"do you know where the castle is?"

Cece:"yes but there's one problem. Em. if she finds out about this she'll go even more crazy than she already is. she's barley getting enough food in her system. no one tells her anything. got it?"

we all agreed and she nods as the guys head into the kitchen and Cece starts putting away the stuff that she took out.

Gerard:"do you think we'll find the portal? she could be any where."

Cece:"well that's why we're gonna go search for clues."

she says and continues cleaning. I gave myself a light smile and nodded.

melody's P.O.V

me and blackheart continued exploring around the place as I met a couple of tiny fairies along the way. I even found a black rabbit running towards the bushes. this place is amazing!



melody:"why do you guys want me?"

blackheart:"you heard Linda; to start a new life."

melody:"what if I don't want a new life? I love my life. I love my parents, I miss mom and dad."

I said as I pictured them in my mind and started breaking into tears as blackheart picked me up and hugged me tightly as he stroked my hair and I cried on his shoulder.

melody:"I want to go home!"

I said and started sobbing more.

blackheart:"I'll go talk to Linda."

he says as he puts me down and walks to the same direction where Linda had gone. I'm all alone now, I sat on the grass and brought my knees to my chest and started sobbing more.

blackheart's P.O.V

I went back inside the castle and went inside Linda's room where I find her on her desk.

Linda:"what's wrong? where's melody?"

black heart:"she's in the portal still but she's crying beca-"

I was cut off as Linda stood up from her desk and ran out of the room as I followed her, we went inside the portal where we see melody on the grass crying her eyes out while Linda went up to her and sits next to her as she hugs her.

Linda:"shhh, it's ok my darling, it's ok, don't cry, there's no need for crying."

melody:"I want to go home!"

she yelled. she tried running away from Linda but Linda was holding on to her tight as melody started kicking and crying more.

Linda:"I'm sorry sweetheart but I can't do that, your parents don't want you, they never did. instead of worrying about you, they're celebrating by partying."


Linda turns her Around and slaps her as melody starts crying more. what's going on with me? all of a sudden, I now care for melody like if she was my little sister. the look in her eyes sends me pain and guilt all over my body. Linda stands up as she holds melody's arm while melody is still on the ground.

Linda:"get up."

she ignored her.

Linda:"I said, GET UP!!"

she says and pulls melody's hair for her to stand up. melody starts crying more as her face is red and wet.

blackheart:"stop hurting her!! if you want her on your side then you have to at least be nice!!"

Linda:"I don't have to be nice for her to be on my side!"

she says as they both start walking out of the Portal to head back into the castle.

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