chapter 9: the sleepover part 1

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Emelia's P.O.V

it was the day of the sleepover, it was me, Christa, Cece, Jessica and daisy. we were all at my house, Gerard and the guys went to go hang out at Ray's house including melody.

Cece:"so ladies, what's first?"

daisy:"ooo we should play truth or dare!!"

Emelia:"oh no, last time I played that everything turned into a living nightmare."

Jessica:"we should all say our most embarrassing moments!"

Cece:"ok, I'll go first, when I was 10, my best friend wanted a job as a hair stylist, he practised on me, when the look was finished, my hair was neon blue and super short. the next day I went to school With everyone Laughing at me."

Emelia:"Damn, that must suck."

Cece:"yea it did but I loved the color of it so I've been dying my hair different colors ever since. ok, who's next?"

Jessica:"you choose."


Christa:*sighs* "one day I was walking to school, I passed by the hottest guy in school, I was crushing on him since 3rd grade. he was taking with his buddies and I wouldn't take my eyes off him, tho I was still walking so since I wasn't paying attention, I hit myself on a pole and had the worst bruise ever."


Christa:"yea, ok I choose-"

*rumbling noises*


Christa:"what was that?"

Emelia:"uhh, what was what?"

Christa:"that noise."

Cece:"probably just a cat."

*rumbling noises getting louder*

Jessica:"or a tiger..."

Cece:"whatever. just ignore it, ok choose."


Christa:"I choose Em."

Emelia:"well...I don't remember much."

Cece:"ooohhh that's right! I forgot you got...amnesia..."

Christa:"oh, sorry, I didn't know.."

Emelia:"it's fine, although I do remember this one time I got a new job at a frozen yogurt place, I pulled the lid on the yogurt machine and put some in a cup, I let go of the handle to make it stop but it wouldn't. I had no idea how to stop it, I grabbed everything I could and poured it into the items, I had no more cups left and eventually just used my shoe, the whole floor was a mess, people were over the counter laughing and taking videos, photos. then I put my mouth under the machine but I got a brain freeze. I stood up and tried getting more items to clean it up but I slipped from the yogurt on the floor. the boss came out and was angry at me that I got fired, my outfit was a mess and the worst part was that we had to wear a cow hat so that was messed up too."

Cece:"Damn girl! I think yours is the funniest one!" *laughs*

Emelia:"yea yea yea, I know. ok I choose daisy."

daisy:"I went to go jogging in my new white sweat pants and I decided to take a break and sat down on a bench, once I stood up, I continued jogging but everyone was laughing at me, after about another hour of jogging, everyone was still laughing at me...that's when I noticed that I sat on a milk chocolate bar so it looked wrong..I never went to that park again."


daisy:"ok well that leaves just you jess."

Jessica:"alright fine but non of this leaves the house! this is only between us! so...I took a nap once at jorge's house, I woke up and decided to go for a walk, then I see my crush riding his skate board. so I decided to go up to talk to him, I stood there in front of him and he started Laughing like crazy and handed me a mirror, I looked at myself and drew all over my face. I never spoke to my crush ever again. I got my revenge tho, Jorge woke up with a shaved head."

Emelia:"wow. remind me not to mess with you."

*everyone laughs*

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