The roses🥀

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WARNING:there is events containing self harm
I opened a Snapchat from Gray.
It was... it was a picture of me and Ethan having sex....
Gray had taken a pic of us in the back seat of Ethan's car. My face went pale, how?
"Ethan?" I asked
"Does Gray know what we did?"
"Yes he does he said he saw the car rocking back and forth," Ethan laughed
"Oh wow," I giggled
Ethan had no idea what Gray had sent me. I was scared, what was Gray planning to do? What if he blackmails me? I need to stop creating these damn scenes in my fucking head. What's wrong with me?
I just stared, at the dash of the car. In my own world. I could hear things but they were almost blurry sounding, it was like I was physically there but mentally far, far away.
I was filled to the brim with anxiety, from one little picture. One little mistake.
"Remi?" Ethan said but I didn't hear him
I snapped out of it.
"Oh sorry I was in another world," I answered
"Are you ok?"
"I'm fine,"
"Was it that bad?" He asked
"Oh dear lord no, it was very amazing it's something else,"
"You can tell me, you know that right,"
He said as he caressed my thigh, I looked down noticing that I was in booty shorts and my bra still.
"Shit I forgot to put my shirt on!"
I had Ethan's shirt on but I took it off for Ethan to put it back on.
"Oh it's fine I kinda hid it so I could see you in your bra," Ethan smirked
He was so cute and amazing, he made my worries melt away.
"Fine then keep you eyes up and on the road, have fun trying" I playfully said
I was gonna distract him to make him wish he gave me my shirt back. I took his hand off my thigh and put it on my breast. He looked at me like I was crazy, what was shitty for him was that I was pretty strong so when he tried to pull his hand back it didn't budge.
"Remi your distracting me," he said worriedly
"Fine then,"
I let go of his hand making him think I was giving up. I unbuckled my seat belt.
"Remi sit back down"he laughed
"I won't until I get my shirt back,"
I got up out of my seat and hugged him real tight so my boobs would press up against him. He was trying to keep his eyes on the road.
"Fine your shirt is in the back," he said in defeat.
"Thanks E,"
I remember that my ass was practically hanging out of my shorts. When I was getting in the back I put my ass in front of Ethan.
"Holy shiiiii yo-you ha-have your a-a-ass hanging out," He studdered
"That's payback for taking my shirt,"
"Why do you have to be so fuckin hot and sexy,"
"I'm not you just get distracted easily,"
I was in love with the boy, and I had fun messing with him. He was something else, he almost changed me.
We finally arrived at my apartment, and I got out of the car.
"You coming?" I asked
"I don't know, Gray wanted to umm wanted to hang out with me" he lied
"Grays mad isn't he?"
"How tf did you know?"
"Idk I could just tell,"
Grays was mad? Why would he be mad he knows I don't like him like that? Does Gray actually like me, well he did kiss me so I guess.
"Go to your brot-" Ethan's phone buzzed and cut me off
"Gray just texted that he was going off to let off some steam," Ethan said
"You can stay here if you want," I said
"Ok but you have work to do so be less distracting,"
"No promises, by the way I do my homework in cutoff shirts,"
"Ugh that'll show your bra, that's a distraction"
"Too bad come on lover boy,"
We went inside and I changed into my pjs which are a cutoff and short shorts. I did my homework while Ethan took a nap.
"You are so cute when you snore but kinda annoying," I whispered
I got a text from Gray.
It said "open the door,"
"Wth," I thought
I went to the door scared that something was gonna be there. I opened the door to find Gray, with a handful of red roses.
"Gray," I whispered "Eth-"
He kissed me, and pushed me up against a wall creating a bang noise. I tried to push him off me but he was never letting go. The roses dropped.
Grays hand slid into my pants. He didn't know that Ethan was here.
"Grayson," I whispered
"Remi you deserve me not-"
"Me, she doesn't deserve me?" Ethan had seen it all
"Ethan," I said
"No Remi, you are mine no one else's, why is he kissing you and putting his hand in your pants, that's my job"
"Oh shut up Ethan your just another fuck boy you don't care about her,"
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I yelled
They both looked at me, Gray pulled his hand out of my pants and backed off.
"Gray, I am with Ethan you can't just kiss me like that,"
"Grayson how could you kiss my girl bring her roses and try to get into her pants?"
"Ethan we are both in love with her!" Gray shouted
Gray loved me?
"Both of you leave," I whispered
"What?" They said at the same time
"Both of you leave this is a mess, Gray you can't do this again and Ethan I get that your being protective but you both are boys, Twins, if you like the same girl it's gonna be a mess,"
"What do you mean,"
"I mean that you need to leave I'll text you guys when I want to ," I said with a tear rolling down the side of my face.
"Remi, no"
"Yes now plz leave."
They both left, as soon as the door closed I fell to floor in tears.
I can hear her crying in the floor, she's broken. I opened the door back up and ran to her. She wasn't in the floor anymore. She was in the kitchen with a knife over her wrist.
Ethan didn't know that I was battling depression, when that just happened I couldn't handle anything. I ran to the knife drawer and pulled out the sharpest knife there. I slit my wrist, that wasn't the first time.
"Remi?" Ethan said standing in the doorway
"Ethan I told you to leave,"
"Remi!"He said running over to me
He knew exactly what was going on.
"Remi, what, what are you doing"
"I can't take this shit anymore!" I said sobbing and I dropped the knife
I fell into Ethan, there was so much blood dripping down my arm.
He took me to the bathroom and cleaned my arms then put little bandaids over my cuts.
"Remi, why didn't you tell me?" He said with a tear falling down his face.
"I didn't want to scare you off,"
He just hugged me so tight. I felt safe in this moment like nothing would happen again but that was just the beginning....

There ya guys go sorry for the long as chapter hope u liked it

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