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*there is music in this chapter when you see the words PLAY MUSIC NOW!! then start the music^*

"Ethan!?!" I yelled
"Remi are you ok??" He yelled back
"Nooooo I'm sick," I answered
All I could think is that I was pregnant, but whose baby?
I walked out of the bathroom acting completely fine.
"You alright,?" He asked
"Ya I just got a little nauseous didn't get sick tho, I'm fine now," I said
"Allrighty then," he said getting up
He went over to me, good thing I brushed my teeth after throwing up. He kissed me signaling to continue what was about to happen a minute ago. I wanted Ethan because he helped keep my mind off of everything 😏.
We both had our shirts off so it was a start. He began to in twine his fingers into my long brown hair. He unclipped my bra, I unclipped his pants.
"Jesus did you go up a bra size?" He said looking at my bra
"Yes I did," I whispered seductively
He pulled my shorts off and then my underwear, I did the same to him. He threw on a condom and went inside of me, thrusting.
After sex I felt this love for Ethan again, it never left. And it wasn't sex that made me love him, it was the fact that even though he knew Grayson loved me too, he would still do whatever to make me want him.
Ethan and Grayson were both absolutely perfect.
I was in love with the Dolan Twins, and I had no idea what to do about it.
Ethan and I just cuddled staring into each other's eyes. His hand laid on my jawline, our foreheads touching.
"I want you and so does Grayson so what is gonna happen," he asked
"I don't know E I love you both and I have since day 1," I whispered
He just looked at my with a tear in his eye.
"I cant loose you again Rems, I screwed up but I promise you and when I promise something I never break that promise, I promise I will always be there for you and I will never cheat on you bc I am in love with you," he cried
"Then never stop loving me,"
I kissed him, but this kiss wasn't sexual it was sweet and it felt perfect. His plump lips against mine, our lips moved in sync, everything was falling into place.
He loved me I loved him, but I loved Grayson too. What was I gonna do? All I knew was that I didn't want to think about it bc it would ruin this moment with E.
I kept kissing him, he kept kissing back.
He got up after an hour or so, he made me breakfast. We were up all night, well part of it. I was exhausted so was he.
It was one of the best nights ever, except me finding out that I'm pretty sure I'm pregnant. I didn't want to scare E or Gray.
While E was downstairs I threw up again. I was either diseased or pregnant. I'm pretty sure pregnant but I was scared.
I ran down stairs.
"Hey E I'm going to get some stuff from the store!" I yelled walking out to the car
I drove to dollar store and grabbed two tests. When I got home E was still there but asleep on the couch.
I went and did the pregnancy tests and they both came up....

Haha cliffhanger hoes
Sorry for posting late


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