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"It's not cheating unless you get caught," he said
Gray started kissing me again and again, and I kissed back. We were kissing in the kitchen, he sat me up on the counter, i didn't stop him. He slid his hand under my shirt, and I didn't stop him. He took his shirt off, I put my hand on his deeply constructed abs. He picked me up and then threw me into the couch. He basically ripped my shirt off, he was on top of me. I didn't stop him.
I woke up with Grays arms wrapped around me. We were on the couch in the living room. I looked at me phone it was 8 am. Shit I have to get up, then I noticed I was only in my underwear. I finally found my clothes, Gray threw my shirt into the kitchen. I hope Ethan is still sleeping.
I snuck upstairs to find Ethan sleeping. Thank god, I can't believe I had sex with Grayson. What was I thinking!? I'm dating Ethan, not Gray. I'm so stupid, why do I have to be so fucking stupid.
I laid beside Ethan.
"Good morning," he whispered into my ear
"Oh good morning to you too," I said
"Where were you?"
"I was in the bathroom," I lied
"Oh ok I'm going to make breakfast,"
I remembered Grayson, who was laid out on the couch in underwear only. What if Ethan sees him and thinks we had sex!?
"Why don't we just go out and eat?" I yelled
"Sure I guess I'll be right back ima tell Gray we are getting breakfast," Ethan said
"I'll tell him while you get ready,"
"Ok ima go get changed,"
I ran down the stairs as soon as he went to the bathroom. I went to the living room.
"Grayson Bailey Dolan wake up!" I whispered
"Oh shit what time is it?" He answered
"Time for you to go get your clothes on and act like nothing happened,"
"Oh your talking about this morning," he said with a seductive smirk
"Grayson stop it,"
"Stop what?"
"Doing that smile,"
He got up and came very close to my face. I thought he was gonna kiss me. But he started tickling me
"GRAYSON STOP IT!" I said laughing
"Why you deserve to be tickled,"
"Fine if you say Gray is the best twin,"
"Gray is the best twin,"
He stopped tickling me, he kissed my cheek. It felt like we were dating but we weren't. I was with Ethan, I kept telling myself. You have to stop this with Gray.
"Grayson we can't do this," I whispered
"I'm with Ethan and I love him,"
"Do you, if you loved him then you wouldn't have had sex with me?"
I stopped and stared at him. Was he right? Was he wrong?
"Ok Remi are you ready to go?" Ethan said coming down the stairs
I pushed Gray off of me.
"Yes I am ready to go,"
"Gray go put on some clothes and act right we have a guest,"
Gray ran out of the room, in his tidy whities. Ethan grabbed my hand, we went and ate McDonald's and went back home. We were on the way home when I got a text from Gray.
"Heyyyy hows my favorite hoe?"
"Good how's my favorite douche bag?" I texted
I looked up and Ethan was turning up my favorite song. SAD! by xxxtentacion.
"Omg I love this song!!"
"I gave her everything she took my heart and left me lonely," I sang
I thought about the lyrics of that part. Took everything and left me lonely. The guilt from sleeping with Gray was creeping in.
My phone buzzed. It was Gray
"Can I come over later to your house?" Gray texted
"Bc we need to talk now!"
"Fine sneak out of your house with out E seeing you,"
"I'll text you when I'm home,"
I looked over at Ethan, I never wanted to hurt him. And when he finds out I slept with his twin brother, all hell is gonna break loose.
"Hey E can you take me home I wanna take a nap and shower and I have work."
"Yeah sure,"
He drove me home and when we arrived we said I love you and I got out. I grabbed my phone from my back pocket and texted Gray.
"I'm at my house,"
"I will tell E that I'm going to take a walk,"
"Ok see you in 15?"
I ran inside to clean my apartment. When I walked in, I looked at my room. It wasn't changed since last night. I looked in the bathroom, it had all the tests still in the floor.
I picked all the stuff up and through it in the trash can. I made my bed and sprayed my room with glade. I waited for Gray.
Then I heard a knock on the door. I opened the door to see Gray with roses. Just like the last time he tried to seduce me.
"Hello hoe," he said
"Hi douche bag, why flowers?"
"Pretty flowers for a sexy lady,"
"That's not the saying, but what ever,"
I took the flowers and put them in a vase. Me and Gray went and set down in my room which probably wasn't the best idea.
"What did you need to talk about?" I asked
He kissed me and pushed me over on my bed. He was on top of me. He took his jacket off. I pushed him.
"Gray we can't," I said
He was still hovering over me.
"Hey hoe just shut up and kiss me,"
Stupid me just kissed him.
"That's what I thought," he said
He acted cool but he was actually very sweet. He wasn't a fuck boy, he just acted like a jerk as a joke. When he kissed me it wasn't rough it was soft.
He took his shirt off, then mine. He was careful of my arms, they still hurt sometimes.
"Are you sure?" He asked
"I don't care," I said smiling
Then we wasted the day away.

Sorry for the short chapter ily all next one will be tomorrow!


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