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This single moment in time, I felt everything stop. Time. Life. Everything. As if I knew the answers to everything.
Ethan and I moved in sync, our bodies as waves crushing into each other. He was mine and I was his.
I was deeply in love with this person.
Was I deeply in love with Grayson tho?
Ethan had made me fall in love with him all over agin. And I'm saying sex is the reason I saying that the way he moved and spoke showed me that he really did love me. I know he won't cheat again. He is mine, and I'm going to make sure of that.
After we had sex we slept cuddling each other. I had a dream.
I was in a black world, pitch black. I started yelling for help, and out of no where I heard my own thoughts. Echoing off the walls of this place.
"Who do I love?" My thought yelled
I was confusion, I simply turned in circles looking for a sight of anyone.
"Ah young one, love isn't simple, you can't have the answer to love with a little question think about it. Whose the person you want to be around all the time, whose the person that you want to love forever? Think child." I loud voice boomed
I stood there in shock, who was that? Who just talked to me?
Then another sound came about.
"Hahahhaha I love you Rems!" A familiar voice
"Ethan?" I asked
"Remi will you be my girlfriend?" His voice called
"I am," i yelled
I started to cry, I had know idea why but I just was.
"I've always heard you, when your sad when your alone when you feeling empty I've payed attention to you bc I want you I need you," he yelled again
I fell to the ground, I was confused and I hated the feeling I had.
I sat up yelling.
I had awoken from my sleep.
"IM SORRY AHHHHHH!" I screamed
Ethan woke up scared of what was wrong.
"Rems what's wrong?"he said putting his arm on my shoulder
"I'm sorry,"I cried falling into him
He hugged me and held me while I cried.
"Shh it's ok your ok," he whispered
I felt safe, like I was indestructible in his arms. But I couldn't stop crying. There was this conflict in my brain, questioning what had just happened. I was upset at the fact I was listening to old memories. The one I cherish most. It was only me and E.
I sat there in his arms for hours. I was to afraid to fall asleep again. What did the dream mean? It told me I wouldn't get my answer so easily. Then Ethan's voice started talking.
It was a puzzle and I had no clue to what it meant.
Finally I calmed down and went downstairs in only a t shirt of Ethan's. He cooked me pancakes and got me ice cream. I had never been treated with such caring.
"Hey Rems I'm sorry but Gray and Lucy are coming over for dinner." He mumbled
"Ok what time," I asked
He looked at me shocked that I wasn't mad.
"Ummm 6:30," He said
I had a plan.
"Ok I have a plan, so Ima dress like a skank ok and Ima see how Gray acts,"
He looked at me like I was crazy.
"If you dress like that I'm not gonna be able to keep my hands off you,"he said jokingly
He ran over to me and started tickling me.
"ETHAN!!!"I laughed
He stopped tickling me and we watched movies until 5:30. We were watching Lovely Bones, one of the best movies ever.
"Hey we better get ready, it's a almost six," he whispered
"Alright I need you to drive me back to my place," I said
"Ok go get in the car I'll be out there in a minute,"
I got up and went to the car. I sat in the front seat, and waited. Ethan got to the car and blared the music. We sang every song, and I loved it. I felt happy.
We arrived at my house and I went upstairs. I put on a sweatshirt crop top that had a skateboard on it.
And I was ready for dinner.

I had decided to quit writing this story. I will start another one very soon on this account. I feel like this story isn't that good and is just trailing off.
Which twin should the next story be about I'll let y'all choose just comment Ethan or Grayson, whichever twins name is commented the most will be the next love person or whatever
Plz no hate
Ily all

Btw Remi was gonna end up with Ethan.....

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