DTF short stories

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Short Story #5

"Oh my god, can you stop me from falling in love with Cayden?" Amelia says as we continue to spy on Cayden and his friends as I roll my eyes all over Amelia.

"Amelia, Cayden's my boyfriend and you're dating Noah," I told her, she turns around and gives me an annoyed look and I gave her a questioning look.

She rolls her eyes all over me, "Okay, whatever jealous girlfriend. Your bad boy is all yours to keep," Amelia says as I chuckle. She starts walking towards them as I follow her.

"Hello there," Amelia says as she pecks Noah's cheek and I can tell that he's blushing. How charming. "Care to join us later?"

Amelia looks at Cayden and Noah's faces as if James and Logan are not there and are not both invited to where we are both heading to later. Cayden looks at me with a questioning look on his face as I shrug my shoulders, not knowing where Amelia is planning to drag the boys and me along too.

"I'll go wherever Hailey goes," Cayden says as he looks at me in the eye as I can't help but blush a little. I can sense that Amelia is rolling her eyes at the both of us.

I look at Amelia as she looks at Noah, tapping her foot impatiently on the floor, waiting for Noah to respond, "Aren't you gonna say something sweeter?" She asks as she crossed both of her arms to her chest.

Noah scratches the back of his head as he cracks up an innocent smile on his face, "Let's do it in the Janitor's Closet?" Noah says as I can't help but chuckle.

Amelia's face was annoyed as she starts sending Noah mad looks that are shooting like lasers, "Okay!" She excitedly says.

I looked at Cayden with a confused look on my face as we watch Noah and Amelia walk off at our site, "What do you say we do it in the Cafeteria? In case we get hungry?" Logan jokes as he winks at Ethan.

"Okay!" Ethan says. "Let's go, little dickhead," He added as he grabs Logan's hand as he starts to drag him towards the Cafeteria.

"I was just joking!"

Short Story #6

I walked up towards my room, exhausted from reading to the kids at the library for 3 straight hours of endless children's books that are full of fairy tales and legends that are not even true.

I opened my bedroom door and closed it behind me, putting my bag on my working table as I collapsed on my bed, feeling the comforts of my bed welcome my presence.

"Amelia," Caleb says as he knocks at the same time. My head turns to look at my bedroom door as I sigh.

"It's open!" I said as I wait for Caleb to open the door and decide to enter my room. Once I saw him enter, I decided to sit on my bed, "What's up? Do you need anything? Money? Cause' I'm out of money."

"No. I just want to say something," Caleb says. I look at him weirdly as I pat the bed to gesture him to sit down.

It's weird that Caleb has something to say to me. We haven't had a conversation with a quiet atmosphere like this and I am sensing that this conversation is about to get serious. I turn my body to face him as I wait for him to settle down comfortably.

"I like your friend, Hailey. For a very long time now," He says and I blinked my eyes at him.

"I know. I've seen the way you looked at her," I told Caleb and he looks away as he smiles, "But, she has a boyfriend," I added. He looks up at me with a questioning look on his face, waiting for me to spill the name.

"Cayden," We both said in unison. My tone was more confident but he was sad. I look at him as he looks down on the floor as I decide to pat his back.

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