Chapter 10

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Chapter 10




When I woke up in the morning, I felt as little rested as I did when I went to sleep. Alex was still knocked out, although the way his face was scrunched up in his sleep, indicated it wasn't an easy night for him either.

Carefully pulling myself away from him, I crept out of the room, making my way downstairs. Since it was still so early, barely eight o' clock, I was surprised to find Evan already sitting at the kitchen table. He glanced up from his bowl of cereal at the sound of me walking in, and gave me a weak smile. He looked really tired, and had bags under his eyes, making me feel guilty.

"Good morning." I said, sitting across from him. I tried to sound cheerful, but I knew I just sounded exhausted.

"How are you feeling?" He asked right away, sparing no time.

"I don't know." I sighed. "Tired of this."

"You scared me to death, Relly." I haven't seen him look this afraid since he lost me in the store for an hour, when I was fourteen and he was sixteen.

"I'm sorry, Ev. I don't know what came over me." I answered honestly.

"It was like you were possessed. You actually growled at me."

"I did?"

"Yeah. Sounded like a bloody demon, too." He looked uncomfortable remembering that small detail.

I said nothing in response, not exactly knowing what to say. I started to remember what I had said to Alex last night, the weight of my words crushing my spirit heavily.

"Where's Alex?" He asked, leaving another painful reminder of my searing words.

"Still sleeping. Where are my parents?"

"They went to the store to get some things. You freaked them out last night."

I slumped my shoulders, feeling awful for the toll this has taken on everyone.

"I told Alex last night that we should break up." I blurted, unable to hold in the secret anymore.

"What?" The shock immediately coated his features.

Tears started to burn my eyes. "I don't want to, Ev. I love him."

"Then don't."

"Ever since we started dating, all this stuff has happened. I can't take it anymore. I don't want to sit around and watch him get hurt." I cried.

"And you think breaking up with him won't hurt him?!" He was in complete disbelief.

"You know what I mean. Like physically hurt." I explained dumbly.

"Let me get this straight. You think breaking up is going to solve whatever curse or thing you have going on."

"Maybe? I don't know." I dropped my head into my hands.

"Aurelia Amber Corbett, are you serious? Do you understand how ridiculous you sound?" Something inside me didn't appreciate the attacking tone he took.

"What am I supposed to do?! Pretend nothing is wrong until one of us ends up dead?!" I shouted, standing up.

"Breaking his heart isn't gonna solve this." He stood up as well.

"Who's side are you even on? I thought you were my best friend. Best friends support each other." I defended, gobsmacked.

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