Chapter 46

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Chapter 46




After the terrible sleep I had last night, the last thing I wanted to do was sword fight with the elite Captain. I spent the whole night tossing and turning, my mind full of fears of the past, and what the future might bring.

"My Prince, I know this is hard, but you need to focus." Will scolded, leaving me with slight deja vu.

"Hard? This isn't hard, Will. It's excruciating." I threw down my sword in frustration. "There's murderous beings after my girlfriend and I. The entire realm, and all the Kingdoms, are terrified and counting on us, and I don't know the first thing about leading anyone! And this sword is heavy as hell, and my arms are about to break off!" I yelled, falling backwards in the snow like a child.

I watched William as he sighed, plunging his sword into the powdery earth, and moved to sit beside me.

"I am not going to sit here and tell you I understand how you feel, because I do not." He started. "However, what I can tell you, is that I believe in you. Sure, you are inexperienced, and do not exactly know what you are doing, but I know you will get there. You will fight for your people, and for those you love. I have no doubts about that."

"I don't exactly feel like I can win a war."

"You do not need to feel like you can. You just need to believe you can, and fight with your heart."

"My heart..." I pondered the words out loud.

"Precisely. And what is your heart telling you?"

"It's telling me I would rather die than let any harm come to Aurelia."

"Then use that. Use that flame, that love, and you will conquer. Love and light will always guide the way." I took a moment to study him. Even though he looked the same age as me, he really was so wise, reminding me just how much time separated us. He's been through so much, and has so much advice and wisdom to share.

"Thanks, Will. I feel better now."

"Excellent." He clapped, standing up. "Now, pick up that sword, and let us go again." He commanded, picking up his own sword, and getting into a defense position.

Shaking out some nerves, I stood, picking up my sword, and grounding myself into the snow.

He let out a battle cry, and lunged for me. I dodged it easily, and my sword clashed against his. The silver metal kept colliding, and not once did the tip of his come near me. There was no question I was better on the defense side. My sword managed to come close to him a few times, but he blocked me every time.

After another hour of sparring, he motioned for us to stop.

"Splendid." He panted, out of breath. "You have improved significantly since this morning."

"Thanks." I collapsed onto the snow. I froze my hands, and held them to my hot face. It was a skill I had learned just this morning when we were starting our combat training.

I was amazed to discover that we could turn our entire bodies to clear, solid ice. I always thought I could just freeze water onto me, but once Will turned into a clear, walking ice sculpture, I was blown away.

I have yet to be able to turn my whole body to ice, since Will says that takes a little more precision and effort, but I have managed to turn both of my arms to ice. It's beyond cool, no pun intended. I am still just as flexible, and can move as if I have skin and bone, but I am indestructible. That is something that will prove to be very useful during a battle.

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