Chapter 18

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Chapter 18




Silence. That's all I heard.

The last thing I remember is screaming, and pain. Lots of pain. Flashes of Evan with his blackened eyes, holding a dagger, filled my brain.

My eyes shot open.

"Alex!" I called out, gasping for breath, although I was surprised that I didn't necessarily need it. That's when I realized how light I felt. I looked down at my body. I didn't look any different, but I definitely didn't feel normal.

I stood up, finding myself in an empty room, with nothing but white walls and white floors. That's weird. What kind of hospital room is this?

"Hello?" I called out into the empty room, which was stupid since I was clearly alone. The lack of doors should've made me nervous, but I strangely felt very calm. Shouldn't I feel more afraid after just getting attacked by demons that inhabited my best friends body?


I shrieked, startled by the figure that just appeared in the room. Upon further reflection, I realized it was the ghost girl that appeared in my dreams a few other times. "Lindsey Anne?"

"You are finally awake." She smiled. "It has taken you longer than others, but you finally have found your way."

My eyebrows furrowed. "Awake? Isn't this a dream? I can only see you in my dreams." Can I actually see ghosts in everyday life now, too? Great.

It was her turn to let confusion overtake her features. "Do you not realize?"

"Realize what? Also can you tell me what kind of lousy hospital puts their patients on the floor, in empty rooms?"

She looked taken aback for a moment, and then solemn. "Aurelia, you are dead."

I stared at her in shock, then all too soon the sad realization kicked in. Of course I'm dead. I was brutally stabbed to death by evil entities, how could I have survived that.

"Oh." I felt deflated.

"I apologize."

"It's not your fault."

We stood in silence, as I let it sink in that I wasn't alive anymore. All my hopes and dreams, gone in an instant. All my goals, everything I ever wanted to be, taken away.


My heart instantly hurt, if I even still had one.

"All those warnings you gave...the same thing happened to you, didn't it?" I stated more than I questioned.

"It did." She lowered her head. "I apologize that I was never more straight forward. I always try, but something always holds me back."

"What happened exactly? Why did this happen?" My eyes blurred with ghostly tears.

"There is much to explain, and there will be plenty of time for that later." She assured me. "But for right now, you have somewhere to be."

"Where?" I asked.

"All your loved ones are preparing for your farewell. Most in the past have wished to see them as they say goodbye. I thought you would like to do the same."

"You mean...go to my own funeral?"

"Precisely. It is a nice way to heal and say goodbye. I have done it, as have many before you." She explained thoughtfully.

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