A Memory From The Past

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Chapter 4

After returning back to camp, I immediately gave everyone the food that they needed before I spotted my daughter rushing over to see me...

"Mum!" Alicia yelled before rushing into my arms.

"I'm back sweetheart, I'm back," I said before letting go of her.

"Where were you?" Alicia asked.

"I was hunting. Sorry, it got late," I said.

"That's okay, Carl has been showing me around. I like it here," Alicia said.

"Good. I'm glad because we're staying here, hopefully for a very long time," I said.

"You mean we won't be moving anymore?" Alicia asked.

"No. We're staying put," I said.

"No more looking for Uncle Jason and Aunt Caroline?" Alicia asked.

"No baby. I got a message from them. They're okay. They just want to stay where they are for now. It's safer for them if they stay where they are, away from the walkers," I explained, lying through my teeth.

"They're safe?" Alicia questioned.

"Yeah, they're safe," I lied.

Alicia looked so happy to hear this news before giving me a massive hug. I could tell that this was what she wanted to hear, which is why this was so easy for me to say to her. I didn't want to lie but I couldn't tell her the truth. I couldn't tell her that I had given up or I had lost faith because I needed her to feel happy and full of joy, not grieving and miserable. After a moment of hugging, we finally let go of one another and I began to smile at her.

"Now, go play. Have some fun," I said.

"Yes mum," Alicia said before rushing off and going to play with the other kids.

After she left, I began to hold my necklace close. It had an 'A' on it for Alicia. It was given to me by Alicia's dad, Mitch. He told me before he died that he wanted to name our daughter Alicia for his mum. I hadn't agreed to the name until she was born and I saw that Mitch was right, she really did look like an Alicia. As I continued to hold it, I began to remember what happened a few weeks ago when I went looking for Jason and Caroline...

A few weeks ago...

As I rushed down the street, I felt my heart begin to race. I saw walkers everywhere, surrounding every part of town and I knew I had to leave with Alicia as soon as I got Jason and Caroline. They were living in my childhood home with my mum, Helen and my step dad, Gavin. I hadn't been home in eighteen years and the thought of coming back and seeing the place that I had brought me so much pain, seemed unbearable. Despite all this, I continued to run until I finally reached home.

Reaching home, I paused for a second. Taking a quick look at the place that I thought I would never return to before rushing inside and beginning to search for my brother and sister.

"Jason? Caroline?" I called throughout the house, looking all over for them.

There was a silence in the house. Dead silence. I began to look around some more before I finally took a proper look at the place and saw how messy it was. Everything was out of place, there was blood everywhere and smashed windows. I could tell that something went down but whether walkers broke in and were killed or my family was dead was something that I couldn't figure out. I continued looking around before I spotted a picture on the table, still neat as ever. It was a picture of my step dad, Gavin. Also known as, The Devil. I picked it up for a moment before dropping it on the floor and stomping on it. I then smiled before rushing up the stairs to continue searching for my siblings.

"Caroline? Jason?" I called as I searched the rooms.

I checked their rooms before I spotted something in Caroline's room. It was her locket that our mum had given her on her thirteenth birthday. She loved it so much because it had a picture of  our family in it from when we had our first family picnic together, reminding her of the good times we all had together. Well, one of the only good times we had together. However, neither Jason nor Caroline knew this. They both thought we were a happy family. They were wrong. I then picked up the locket and put it in my pocket before leaving the house and sitting on the porch for a moment, beginning to cry. I cried and cried, thinking the worst. Seeing in my head different scenarios of what could have happened to my brother and sister.

After a long moment of crying, I finally got up and ran back down the street to my car before getting in it. Once I had done this, Alicia sat back up on the seat and turned to me before saying...

"Where are they?, where is Uncle Jason and Aunt Caroline?" Alicia asked.

"Don't worry baby. They're not here but we're going to find them," I said.

Alicia nodded before I finally started up the car and drove off down the street, heading for safety...

As I slowly stopped thinking about that memory, I immediately wiped away my tears before walking over to Alicia and the other kids and began to watch them play together...

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