A Missing Randall

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Chapter 54

The next day we had Dale's funeral. People cried and others just looked sad. We had lost one of our own and that's something that no one could change. Once the funeral was over, some of us went to grieve while the others, including me, went to go kill walkers. I went with Andrea, Shane, T-Dog and Daryl. Shane drove the truck with Andrea beside him while T-Dog, Daryl and I sat in the back. We sat there and said nothing the whole time. None of us wanted to speak. We just wanted to think.

After arriving there, we all began killing walkers. One by one they were all dead and once we had finished, we all headed back to camp.

Some hours later, we were all talking about moving into the house...

"It will be tight, eighteen people in one house," Rick said.

"Don't worry about that. With the swamp hardening, the creek frying up..." Hershel said.

"With fifty head of cattle on the property we might as well be ringing a damn dinner bell," Maggie stated.

"She's right. We should've moved you in a while ago," Hershel said.

"Alright, let's move the vehicles near each of the doors facing out towards the road. We'll build a lookout in the windmill, another in the barn loft. That should give us sightlines both sides of the property," Rick said.

"I'll stock the basement with food and water, enough that we can all survive there a few days if need be," Hershel said.

After saying this, we all began moving things back to the house and I instantly handed Jason the keys to my car so he could drive it back while I drove my motorbike back. Once we did this, I then began unloading my stuff and Alicia's before heading upstairs. I then began to look upon the rooms, trying to decide where to stay before Hershel said...

"Take Caroline's room," Hershel said.

I turned to see him before saying...

"I uh- I'm not sure that-" I said before Hershel cut me off.

"It's alright Skyler, Caroline wouldn't mind. Besides, you and your little girl should get a goodnight sleep in a warm bed," Hershel said.

I nodded before walking in Caroline's room with mine and Alicia's stuff. As I headed in, I saw the room was clear. The room was cleared out after she died by Jason and myself. Some stuff we took and other stuff we burned, and now the room was clear. I then continued to walk along before unloading everything. Once I had finished unpacking, I quickly checked on Helen to see how she was doing before heading back outside. However, as I did this, all of a sudden, T-Dog came rushing back, telling us that Randall was gone. We then instantly rushed over to the shed and began to check the place out.

"How long's he been gone?" Lori asked, rushing over.

"Hard to say. The cuffs are still hooked. He must've slipped them," Rick said.

"Is that possible?" Carol asked.

"It is if you've got nothing to lose," Andrea responded.

"The door was secured from the outside," Hershel said.

"Rick! Rick!" Shane's voice yelled from the woods as he came out. He had a busted nose with blood running from it.

"What happened?" Lori yelled over to him.

"He's armed! He's got my gun!" Shane yelled back.

"You okay?" Carl asked.

"I'm fine. Little bastard just snuck up on me. He clocked me in the face," Shane explained.

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