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Chapter 6

After some time had past, just then, we began to hear a wailing car. The alarm had clearly been set off and was most probably drawing a lot of attention here from any and all walkers out there. As we all began to walk over, I began to notice that someone was driving a red Dodge Challenger at full speed and heading in our direction. We all began to stand there, watching the person finally stop and park the car. I had Alicia at my side, wondering which person from the camp we were going to meet.

All of a sudden, the person stopped the car and finally got out. As we stood there, I began to realize I knew this person. It was Glenn Rhee. He used to be a Pizza Delivery Boy when we first met and since then we had became really good friends. Glenn would hang out and help me with Alicia when I needed it. Glenn was an amazing friend to me, which was why I was so happy to see that not only was he alive but he was safe.

"Holy crap, turn that damn thing off," Dale said to Glenn, referring to the car that was still wailing.

"I don't know how," Glenn said.

"Pop the hood please," Shane said.

"Turn that thing off!" Amy ordered.

"Pop the hood please!" Shane ordered.

"Alright, alright," Glenn said before getting back into the car and popping the hood for Shane.

"My sister, Andrea, is she okay? Is she alive?, did she get out of the city?" Amy asked as Glenn got back out of the car.

"Yeah, yeah, she's okay," Glenn said.

"Is she coming back?" Amy asked.

"Yeah," Glenn said.

"Why isn't she with you?, where is she?" Amy questioned as the car stopped wailing.

Once everything went quiet, Amy paused for a second before saying...

"She's okay?" Amy asked.

"Yeah, yeah. Fine. Everybody is, well Merle not so much," Glenn said.

After another moment of silence, Glenn finally met my eyes and noticed Alicia and I, standing there.

"Skye?" Glenn questioned.

"It's me," I said.

"Oh my god," Glenn said before rushing towards me and hugging me.

"I missed you too," I said as we hugged.

We hugged for a while before we let go and Glenn crouched down to see Alicia.

"Hey Ali," Glenn said, using the nickname he gave her when they first met.

"Hey Glenn," Alicia said.

I watched as they hugged for a moment before they let go and Glenn stood up again to meet my eyes.

"When did you get here?" Glenn asked.

"Yesterday. We arrived yesterday," I answered.

"Just the two of you?" Glenn asked.

"Yeah. Jason and Caroline, they uh-" I said before Alicia finished my sentence.

"They're okay. They sent mum a message telling her they were safe but need to stay where they are for their safety. Isn't that right, mum?" Alicia asked.

"Yeah. Of course it is," I lied.

Glenn looked me in the eyes seriously, knowing that I was lying right to my daughter's face. I began to give him a look, pleading for him to say nothing to Alicia before he nodded, agreeing to keep it a secret. I felt a rush of relief before Shane finally broke this silence and said...

"You crazy driving this wheeling bastard up here?, you trying to draw every walker for miles?" Shane questioned.

"I think we're okay," Dale said.

"You call being stupid okay?" Shane asked.

"Well the alarm echoing all over these hills, it's hard to pin point the source," Dale said.

Shane closed the hood in frustration before Dale said...

"I'm not arguing, I'm just saying. It wouldn't hurt you to think this through a little more carefully next time, would it?" Dale asked Glenn.

"Sorry. Got a cool car," Glenn said.

Just then, a van pulled up and several people started climbing out of it.

"Amy?" a blonde haired woman asked.

"Andrea!" Amy exclaimed before rushing towards her and hugging her.

I watched as they reunited before other families began reuniting, making me smile before I picked Alicia up and said...

"Don't worry. Soon that will be us," I said as I held her.

"I'm not worried, we'll see Uncle Jason and Aunt Caroline soon. I know it," Alicia said.

I smiled at her before holding her close and kissing her head. Alicia was always a strong girl despite her age. She was always different to other kids even before this started. That's what I loved about her. She was someone I always looked at and felt proud. Proud of everything she did. I never understood where this strength came from. Somehow it was just there, shining like a star.

After some time, I walked over with Alicia and met the others from the city. Morales, who was a father of two, Eliza and Louis, two of the kids Alicia was playing with, and the husband of Miranda, a kind woman I met here. I also met Andrea, Amy's older sister, who looked very similar to her. As well as this, I met T-Dog and Jacqui, who appeared to have no living family members. Once I met them all, Shane finally broke the reunions up by saying...

"How'd you all get out of there anyway?" Shane asked.

"New guy. He got us out," Glenn said.

"New guy?" Shane questioned.

"Hey helicopter boy. Come say hello," Morales said to this new guy.

We then heard the car door close before Morales said...

"Guy's a cop, like the both of you," Morales said to Shane and I.

All of a sudden, I saw who it was. Both Shane and myself were in complete and utter shock. It was Rick, our old partner that was in a coma after being shot. I hadn't expected to see him after hearing from Lori and Shane that Rick was dead. Seeing he slowly walk forward and notice me, I began to put Alicia back onto the ground before walking forward and embracing my old partner.

"Good to see you partner," I said.

"Good to see you too, Skye," Rick said.

We then let go before I said...

"There are people here to see you," I said.

"Is Carl and Lori here?" Rick asked.

"See for yourself," I said.

Rick then continued to walk forward before Carl and Lori noticed him. He stood there for a moment in shock before rushing towards them while Carl did the same.

"Dad!" Carl yelled before rushing into Rick's arms.

I watched the emotional reunion of father and son before Rick walked over to Lori with Carl still in his arms. Having an emotional family reunion together. We all watched this moment, knowing that this was by far, the biggest reunion of the lot of us...

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