A Long Night

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Chapter 33

"It will be okay you know? I promise it'll get better," Maggie said as she stroked my hair, the way I do with Alicia.

I had told her everything. Maggie knew my life story and she never judged me once. She knew how hard my life was and she always made sure that I could cry on her shoulder if I needed to. That's what sisters did. She may have not been my sister by blood, but she was my sister. Genetics didn't matter. Maggie was my sister and that was that. After moments of sitting together, all of a sudden, Alicia came running out of the door and towards me.

"Hey you," I said before sitting her on my lap.

"Mummy, who is this?" Alicia asked me.

"Oh right, you haven't been introduced to her yet. Well, this is my sister, Maggie. Your aunt," I said.

I then turned to Maggie and said...

"And Maggie, this is my daughter, Alicia. Your niece," I said.

"Well it's very nice to meet you Alicia," Maggie said.

"It's very nice to meet you too, Aunt Maggie," Alicia said.

They began smiling at each other before I said...

"Where's Uncle Jason?" I asked.

"Still asleep," Alicia answered.

"Have you seen Carl?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I went to see him with Lori. She's so scared of losing him, but I know he'll pull through. I know he will," Alicia said.

Maggie looked at me in shock to see how strong she was before I nodded and said...

"That's my girl," I said before kissing Alicia's head as she laid back on me.

After some time had past, Glenn and T-Dog suddenly appeared and began to walk towards us. Alicia instantly shot up and hugged Glenn for a second and then T-Dog before letting them go.

"Hey Ali," Glenn said.

"You good girl?" T-Dog asked.

"Yeah, I'm good T. You?" Alicia asked.

"I'm good," T-Dog said.

"Hey Skye," Glenn said to me.

"Hey," I said.

"Hi. Yes we closed it with the latch and everything," Glenn said to Maggie.

Maggie then leaned forward before Glenn said...

"Well, nice to see you again. We um... met before," Glenn said before Maggie and I got up.

"Look, we came to help. There anything we can do?" T-Dog asked before moaning in pain a little from his wound on his arm.

He had cut his arm on a broken car window when the herd came and ever since, he hasn't been well. Maggie then began to look at his arm and T-Dog then caught her gaze before saying...

"It's not a bite. I uh- I cut myself pretty bad though," T-Dog said.

"We'll have it looked at. I'll tell them you're here," Maggie said as we began to walk towards the door.

"We have uh- some pain killers and antibiotics. I already gave him some. If Carl needs any-" Glenn said before Maggie interrupted him.

"Come on inside, we'll make you something to eat," Maggie said before we all headed inside the house.

After heading inside, we all walked into the room Carl was resting in before Glenn took off his hat and said...

"Hey," Glenn said.

"Hey," Rick said.

"Um, we're here okay?" Glenn asked.

"Thank you," Lori said.

"Whatever you need," T-Dog said.

We then left the room and headed into the kitchen, where Patricia and Maggie began to help T-Dog. As they did this, I quickly made Alicia something to eat before putting her to bed. While she slept, I found some paper and a black marker before heading downstairs and back into the kitchen, which was now completely empty. I then placed my paper on the table and wrote in capital letters 'FINDING CAROLINE PLAN'. Once I did this, I began to draw out all these plans to find Caroline. I drew all these different routes to take, all the places in the woods she could be until I finally filled up all of the space on each piece of paper.

After doing this, I began to look over at the piano. I loved it from when I was little girl, where I would play and sing. It was everything to me. I remembered playing on it all the time and right now, that's what I felt like doing. So I walked over there, sat down and began to play the piano while singing...

"Let's meet up far away. Where astronauts and gravity, have opened up the atmosphere. We'll be so safe up here. Navigating the space, we'll create our own star. And I'll name it after you. We'll be so calm up there, we'll fly around with the quiet air. The sun will bring us 'round again, inhaling and orbiting. Our great planet will fit on the tip of your thumb. You'll say I finally see how time stops. And everything that hurts us drops off,"  I sung before noticing Jason was standing there and watching me.

"Keep going," Jason said.

I nodded before continuing to play...

"I'll be what you want when everything is gone. Let the world disappear, there are places up here we can hide. We'll be safe way up high. Somewhere only we can find. I know it's safe from being called out or evaluated. And people change on a whim, so cue the violence. Let's go rescue a planet that's been thrown away. You'll name it after me. Cause after all we're only one triumphant bang away. From resting in infinity or darkness of some brighter place. Let's not waste one more second on caring about. Trying to figure out what looks right. Cause that can't take away that you're mine. I'll be what you want when everything is gone. Let the world disappear, there are places up here we can hide. We'll be safe way up high. Somewhere only we can find. I'll be what you want when everything is gone. Let the world disappear, there are places up here we can hide. We'll be safe way up high. Somewhere only we can find,"  I sung.

Jason then began to walk towards me before taking a seat next to me, ready for the last part of my song...

"Mine, suddenly the stars are flash lights. Universe will make your eyes shine. Can't you feel away the way that time stops? Everything that hurts drops off. Now I'll be what you want when everything is gone. Let the world disappear, there are places up here we can hide. We'll be safe way up high. Somewhere only we can find. I'll be what you want when everything is gone. Let the world disappear, there places up here we can hide. We'll be safe way up high. Somewhere only we can find,"  I sung as I stopped playing the piano.

"I didn't know you still did that," Jason admitted.

"For Alicia mostly, but yeah, I do. Sometimes it's easier than expressing my emotions," I said.

Just then, Jason noticed my plans to find Caroline before saying...

"We'll find her. I know we will," Jason said.

"I hope so," I said.

All of a sudden, I began to hear a car arrive here and I instantly shot up and looked out of the window. It was the car Shane and Otis left in today.

"They're back," I said before heading to the door with Rick and the others.

We all rushed out and saw Shane all alone and without Otis. He then began to unpack the bags before they asked about Otis and Shane told us that he didn't make it. I saw the look on Maggie's face and instantly began to comfort her as she began to cry. I then took her inside with Glenn, Hershel and Jason before she headed into the kitchen with Glenn to talk for a bit. A few moments after, we got news that Carl was okay and we were all overjoyed until Hershel and Rick told Patricia about Otis. I heard her begin to cry, making me wonder whether that would be me soon with Caroline. I knew Jason was thinking the same thing before we began to hold each other, making sure we were both okay. 'We couldn't lose her,' I thought. 'We just couldn't lose her.' It was not an option...

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