Looking For Merle Dixon

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Chapter 11

As we sat there in the back of the van, I began to wonder about what was going to happen when we got there. I knew that the city was swarmed with walkers after me going there by mistake with Alicia. We just about survived but any longer in the city, would have meant we would have been dead. After a while of thinking, Daryl finally turned to me and said...

"Nice work with slapping Shane back there," Daryl said.

"Yeah well, he had it coming. He doesn't know shit about being a parent, if he did, he'd have known that would he said was wrong and unfair. I do what I do to protect my daughter, surely people should understand that," I said.

"Yeah, I get it. Not the parent thing but I understand what it's like to protect someone that you care about," Daryl said.

"Your brother?" I asked.

"Yeah. Despite being who he is, at the end of the day he's my brother. I'll protect him no matter what," Daryl said.

After he said that, Daryl finally turned to T-Dog and said...

"He better be okay, that's my only word on the matter," Daryl said.

"I told you the geeks can't get at him. Only thing that's going to get through that door is us," T-Dog said.

All of a sudden, the van stopped and Glenn said...

"We walk from here," Glenn said.

We then all got out of the van and began running down the train tracks right until the end. Once we reached the end, Glenn opened a gap in the fence before we all walked through.

"Merle first or guns?" Rick asked.

"Merle, we ain't even having this conversation," Daryl said.

"We are. You know the geography, it's your call," Rick said to Glenn as we began walking along.

"Merle's closest. The guns would mean jumping back. Merle first," Glenn said.

We continued to run along until we finally walked through a door and headed inside the bottom of the building. As we entered the building, I noticed that this was a souvenir part of the shop but before I could look around, we all spotted a walker. Rick then began giving us directions of which way to walk before Daryl walked over with his crossbow in hand before saying...

"Damn. What an ugly skank," Daryl said as it began to growl.

Daryl then shot it dead before taking his arrow out as it dropped to the floor. Once he did this, we all went around making sure it was all clear. As I looked, all of a sudden, I spotted a dolphin teddy bear. A dolphin was Alicia's favourite animal and I remembered that her teddy bear of a dolphin was lost. She had lost it after we left our house and I remembered how much she missed it. I then picked the teddy bear up before packing it in my backpack so I could give it to help later. Just then, I began to hear movement at the end of the room. I immediately got one of my handguns before walking over to the noise. My heart was racing as I wondered whether it was a walker or not. I didn't want to shoot anything living and so I made sure, I walked carefully over to the noise...

"Whoa, it's me," Daryl said as he appeared around one of the shelves.

I sighed in relief before putting my handgun away and saying...

"You shouldn't do that. I could have shot you," I said.

"Sorry, thought you might need protection. Clearly I was wrong," Daryl said.

"Clearly," I said.

"You have a gun?" Daryl questioned.

"Yeah. Well I have two but you know," I said.

"A bow, arrows and two handguns. Got anything else?" Daryl asked.

"Yeah. Here, let me show you," I said before putting my backpack down.

I then began to take my weapons out. Showing him one by one.

"A bow and arrows," I said as I took it off my back.

I then took off my jacket to get my handguns out.

"Two handguns," I said.

I then crouched down and pulled two knives out of my shoes.

"Two knives. What else?" I wondered.

I then looked down at my belt before taking it off and saying...

"Another knife," I said.

"Anything else?" Daryl asked.

"Hmm, oh I know," I said.

I then began feeling under the hooks of my bra before pulling out a pocket knife.

"A pocket knife," I said.

Daryl began to look at me oddly before I said...

"Hey, would you look there?" I asked.

"Well..." Daryl said.

"Don't even answer that," I sighed.

"So, is that all your weapons?" Daryl asked.

I began to count in my head for a moment before realizing that I was missing one of my favourite weapons.

"Just one left," I said.

I then put my hand in my arrow holder before pulling out a boomerang. My family's special kind of boomerang.

"A boomerang?" Daryl questioned.

"A boomerang with a few upgrades. Instead of wood at the ends, there are blades. Perfect for killing a bunch of walkers at once," I said.

"Where'd you get all these?" Daryl asked.

"My family. Obviously I packed a little light today but I kind of thought that would be best for today," I said.

"Light?, how is this light?" Daryl questioned.

"Well normally I would have a shotgun, maybe a rifle and a few more handguns," I said.

"You really are something, aren't you?" Daryl asked.

"Like I said before, I'm not like everybody else," I said.

I then began to put my knives away before getting ready to put my jacket on before Daryl said...

"That's nasty. How'd that happen?" Daryl asked.

"What?" I asked.

"That scar on your back, the one near your shoulder. What happened?" Daryl asked.

I froze a little as I realized he was talking about one of my burn marks. I then took a deep breath before saying...

"My dad was an abusive alcohol. You can fill in the blanks," I said before putting my jacket on and putting my handguns away.

"Hey I'm sorry for asking, I myself had a tough past," Daryl said.

I began to put away my boomerang and put my bow and arrow back on my back before saying...

"Don't worry about it. It was a long time ago," I said.

I then put my backpack back on before turning to Daryl and saying...

"Now, are we ready to find your brother?" I asked.

"Hell yeah," Daryl said.

"Then let's go," I said before walking out of the souvenir shop.

Once we did this, Rick, Glenn and T-Dog found us before rushing up a staircase to the roof. Once we did this, we reached a locked door and T-Dog broke the lock before Daryl kicked it open, calling his brother's name over and over again...

"Merle! Merle!" Daryl yelled as we ran across the roof.

Just then, we found Merle. Well, at least a part of him. His hand, sitting beside a blooded cuff, causing Daryl to shout...

"No! No! No!" Daryl cried as he realized his brother was gone.

We all stood there in shock, watching as Daryl began to cry out. I had never seen him this upset before and all I wanted to do was help him but I knew I couldn't...

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