Walkers In The Barn

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Chapter 42

After seeing Gavin get ripped apart by walkers, Glenn and I left the barn and headed to sleep. Although, neither one of us could do that after seeing what we saw so instead, we stayed together and began talking, trying our best to calm each other down before drifting to sleep.

The next morning, we all got up and sat around the fireplace while eating breakfast. I was still in shock after last night but I was willing to stay strong while I sat next to Daryl and Alicia. Just then, Glenn got up and said...

"Um, guys," Glenn said, trying to get our attention.

We all then turned to look at him and got  ready to hear what Glenn was going to say.

"I wasn't sure whether I should tell you this, but after what happened last night with Skye, I feel like I have to say something," Glenn said.

Once he said this, everyone began looking at me before Daryl said...

"What happened last night?" Daryl asked me.

Just as I was about to answer this question, Helen finally walked over and said...

"Hey, has anybody seen Gavin?" Helen asked.

"He's dead," I answered, causing everyone to focus their attention on me.

"Skyler that's not funny," Helen said.

"Good, because what he did last night wasn't either," I said.

"What did he do?" Daryl questioned.

"He tried to kill me last night," I answered.

"He what?" Daryl questioned as he raised his voice.

"How?" Rick asked.

"The barn," I answered.

"What about the barn?" Shane questioned.

"The barn's full of walkers," Glenn blurted out.

Suddenly, everyone looked at us in shock, not knowing what to say and we then began to fill the others in about everything with last night and the barn before we all headed over to it. As we reached the barn, the others began to take a look at how many walkers there were before Shane said...

"You cannot tell me you're alright with this," Shane said to Rick.

"You know I'm not but we're guests here, this isn't our land," Rick said.

"Oh god, this is our lives here man!" Shane said as he raised his voice.

"Lower your voice," Glenn said.

"We can't just sweep this under the rug," Andrea said.

"It ain't right, not remotely," T-Dog said.

"We either got to go in there, we got to make things right or we just got to go. Now we've been talking about Fort Benning for a long time-" Shane said before Rick interrupted him.

"We can't go!" Rick shouted.

"Why Rick?, why?" Shane asked.

"Because my daughter's still out there," Carol answered.

"And my sister. I'm not leaving without her," I said.

"Okay, I think it's time that we all start to just consider the other possibility-" Shane said before Rick interrupted him.

"We're not leaving Sophia and Caroline behind," Rick said.

"I'm close to finding this girl, I just found her damn doll two days ago and we found a video recorder, showing us that Caroline is alive," Daryl said.

"You found a doll Daryl. That's what you found, a doll, and that recorder was recorded days ago, meaning she may already be dead," Shane said.

"You don't know the hell you're talking about!" Daryl yelled.

"Man look, I'm just saying what needs to be said here, now you get a good lead within the first forty eight hours," Shane said.

"Shane, stop!" Rick ordered as Shane continued.

"And let me tell you something else, man. If she was alive out there and saw you coming all methed out with your buck knife and geek ears 'round your neck she would run in the other direction," Shane said.

"Shut up you stupid cop" Daryl yelled as he lashed out and began pointing his finger at Shane in anger.

He began yelling while Rick did his best to keep the men away from one another.

"What are you doing Don't come at me, man!" Shane yelled at Daryl.

We all began breaking up the two before Lori stood in front of Shane before he said...

"Keep your hands off me," Shane said to her as he began to walk off.

"Let me talk to Hershel. Let me figure it out," Rick said, stopping Shane from walking off.

"What are you going to figure out?" Shane yelled before Lori stopped him again.

"Enough!" Lori yelled.

"If we're gonna stay, if we're gonna clear this barn, I have to talk him into it. This is his land," Rick said.

"Hershel sees those things in there as people- sick people. His wife, his stepson," Dale said.

"You knew?" Rick questioned.

"Yesterday. I talked to Hershel," Dale said.

"And you waited the night?" Shane questioned.

"I thought we could survive one more night. We did. I was waiting till this morning to say something, but Glenn wanted to be the one because of Skye," Dale said.

"The man is crazy, Rick. If he thinks those things are alive or not," Shane said.

The argument was then cut short by the sound of walkers banging on the doors, scaring us all a little. After hearing the growling, we all headed off, not knowing what to say to one another before I walked over to the house and saw Helen crying on the front porch. I instantly walked over to her before saying...

"Why you crying?" I asked with anger filling my body rather quickly.

"Why do you think?, I'm grieving my husband," Helen stated.

"Husband?, you mean the monster that hurt me and tried to kill me last night?" I questioned.

"Whatever happened last night- he wouldn't have-" Helen said before I interrupted him.

"Let me tell you something, and let me make it thick and clear into your head. Gavin was a monster, who tried to kill your daughter. That's what happened. The daughter that was recovering from a gunshot. The daughter that still is. He tried to kill me after you promised me that he had changed and now he's gone. He's gone from our lives and somehow you still find a way to grieve him. I can't believe you. You say you want a fresh start, that you want to try and have a relationship with me but that is just crap. You don't care, never have, never will. I'm tired of you and your promises. You're not my mother and you never will be," I said before walking off inside and leaving her.

After heading inside, I walked into the room I was currently staying in and began to look around me before beginning to tip things over in anger. I hated Helen. She was one of the worst mothers in the entire world. She never protected me and never cared. I continued to tip things over before I began to feel pain from my gunshot wound that still hadn't completely healed. I then began to lean over the bed in pain before I saw Daryl walk in and begin to comfort me.

"I hate her Daryl. I hate my mother," I said.

"I know. It's okay babe," Daryl said as he held me.

As I stayed there with his arms wrapped around me, I began to feel safety. Something that I hadn't felt in a while. He was the one person that made me feel safe and without him, I don't know what I would do...

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