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Chapter 27

Some time had past after being at the CDC and a lot had happened. We had moved around a lot, we'd been tired a lot and right now, we were heading to Fort Benning. We knew that it had to have been better than the CDC, after all, anything had to be better. That's what we believed.

"Mum?" Alicia called as I drove along.

Daryl was currently on his motorbike in front of everyone and right now, it was just the two of us.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"When we get to Fort Benning, can I try out my gun?" Alicia asked.

"As long as you don't go around shooting anyone," I said.

"Only walkers, mum. I know," Alicia said.

"How far along are you in that book?" I asked, referring to the book she was holding.

It was her favourite; Alice In Wonderland. I managed to find it in an old bookstore that we stopped at, knowing that she loved reading that book.

"I'm almost at the part where Alice has to fight the Jabberwocky ," Alicia answered.

"Looks like I have to get you another book," I said.

"Can I help?" Alicia asked.

"Fine, but you stay with me, deal?" I asked.

"Deal," Alicia agreed.

"Good," I said before smiling.

I then continued to drive along before all of a sudden, everyone began stopping. I immediately stopped my car and waited till everyone started up before I did the same, going through several different cars on the motorway. As we past, I saw dead bodies sitting in the car, clothes everywhere and car doors open. After some time had past, everyone stopped again and got out of their cars while Alicia and I did the same thing. Once we walked over to everyone, I saw that the RV had broken down before Dale said...

"I said it, didn't I say it? A thousand times, dead in the water," Dale said.

"Problem Dale?" Rick asked.

"Well there's a small matter of being stuck in the middle of nowhere with no hope of-" Dale said before trailing off as we watch Daryl.

He began looting through the back of a car before Dale said...

"Okay, that was dumb," Dale said.

"If you can't find a radiator hose here..." Shane said.

"There's a whole bunch of stuff we can find," Daryl said, looking through a backpack of a little girl.

"Siphon more fuel from these cars for a start," T-Dog said.

"Maybe some water," Carol said.

"Food," Glenn added.

"This is a graveyard. I don't know how I feel about this," Lori said.

We all paused for a moment before T-Dog said...

"Alright, alright, here we go," T-Dog said as he began sorting out the car situation.

"C'mon y'all. Gather what you can," Shane said.

After saying this, we all began scavenging from cars, looking for anything that we might need. As I began walking off with Alicia, we came across a couple of cars filled with clothes, bags and other kinds of things. Just then, I spotted a few books in the back before calling Alicia over to see what I found.

"Looks like it's a good time to find a good book," I said.

Alicia then walked over and began searching through the books before picking out a couple.

"These any good?" I asked.

"They're great," Alicia said before putting them in her backpack.

"Now, won't don't we-" I said before pausing as I spotted something coming our way.

"What's wrong mum?" Alicia asked.

"Alicia, give me the binoculars," I said.

Alicia then passed me them from around her neck before I spotted hundreds of walkers coming towards us.

"Oh shit," I said.

"Mum?" Alicia questioned.

I then put them down before handing them to Alicia and saying...

"Get under the car now," I said.

Alicia then went under and I saw Rick telling everyone else to do the same. Once I was sure, everyone was safe, I made my way under the car, holding Alicia close and tight, making sure that we made no sudden noises. As we laid under the car, we watched several walkers pass. I felt my heart racing but no matter what, I wasn't scared. I continued to hold Alicia close as more walkers past. After a few moments past, the sound walkers was gone. There was no growling and no one stumbling as they walked past. I looked all around me to see the others and how they were doing before I saw Sophia try to climb out from under the car. However, as she did, a walker spotted her and began to crawl down to where she was. I reached for my rifle at this point and tried my best to get a clear shot but Sophia was in the way and so I couldn't kill it without hurting her.

After a few minutes had past, Sophia finally got out from under the car and began to run from two walkers following her into the woods. I then saw Rick getting out from under a car before running after her. Once he left, we all got out from under our cars and began to run over to the part that we last saw Sophia and Rick run to, waiting for them to reappear from the woods. Moments had only past before Rick came back and went back off with the guys to look for Sophia while the rest of us began doing different things. Carol waited around for Sophia, Lori, Carl and Alicia continued to scavenge, Andrea and I began moving cars out of the way as Dale directed us while T-Dog rested from his wound.

Just then, Glenn and Shane returned but they still hadn't found Sophia. They told us that Daryl and Rick were still looking for her and they had came back to help us so they then began helping with the cars. As I began to move the cars, I began to think about Sophia and how scared she must be. It was the same feeling I had when I found out that my brother and sister were missing. It made me wonder how Carol must have been feeling. Sophia was the only family that she had left and I couldn't imagine losing my daughter like that. I then pushed out that feeling and continued to do my job until it became dark...

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