Chapter 7

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Ava's P.O.V

The office.
The only time I came here was when I came to get my schedule. And YES. I'm valevictorian. Best grades and best record.

"Do you know why your in my office Ms.Smith?" Asked Principal Taylor. I kept my head down and said nothing. The principal signed. "How did you get those bruises?" I still didn't answer. "Ms. Smith would you like me to call your-"

"NO!! If you told them they would literally KILL ME!!!" I screamed.

"What do you mean literally?"

Heh heh heh heh heh 😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈
The rest will be in Rider's P.O.V

Where's Ava?!?!?!
It's the last class and I haven't seen her all day. Is she okay? Questions fill my head. She's okay Rider calm down. I took a deep breath. I can't let him take control. I can't lose my cool. The bell rung.

"Mr.Coleman to the office."
What did I do?


"You were called to the office."

"Oh ok"

I swear it was right here "Mr.Coleman?" I pulled my hoodie tighter.


"You passed the office four times already. Are you ok?"
What?!?! How?!?!

"Principal Taylor needs to talk to you." "Umm.. okay?" "Follow me." I did what she said.

The first person I saw was Ava and she didn't have on her jacket. She had scars.
My eye twitched. "Are you ok Ava?" She jumped and turned away. "Are you friends with Ava young man? The man I presume is the principal. "Yes." I say "Then would it be alright if she stayed with you while the police check out her parents."

ANOTHER CLIFFHANGER COMING YOUR WAY. I bet you guys hate me now😂😂😂 now you HAVE to wait till tomorrow.
Keep Reading,
Colita 😘

Saving Him (BWWM) (HEAVY EDITING) Where stories live. Discover now