Chapter 22

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***Ava's P.O.V***

"Make sure that the chains are tight."

"Rider you said that 14 times already."

"I'm just-"

"Rider I want you to be able to breathe."

"I don't need to be able to breathe."

"Fine have it your way." I put my foot on the back of the chair and yanked the chains harder. Rider gasped for air.

"Is that tight enough for you?" I walked in front of him and he was shaking his head rapidly.

"Too tight?" He stopped shaking his head and smiled.

"No." I huffed.

"If you could talk don't shake your head like you couldn't breathe!" I yelled. "You scared me!"

"I'm sorry." He said.

"Since there's nothing else that needs to be done I'm going back upstairs. I hate basements."


"I'll tell you later right now I'm going upstairs."

"One more thing."

I groaned "What is it?"

"Can I get a kiss." My heart started hammering in my chest.


"In case I don't make it out of this alive."

"Don't say that."

"It's just one kiss please?"

"Fine." I kissed his forehead.

"That's not what I meant." He pouted.

"You'll get another one if you survive this."

He sighed. "Ava remember not matter wha-"

"Don't come out of the room I know!" I hugged him.

"You better survive this or    I'm coming for you." He smiled.

"I want to hug you right now but I can't."

"You can hug after this, see you tomorrow Rider."

"Bye Je t'aime."

(My love.)

I walked up the stairs. I'll ask him what he said later. I wasn't trying to stay down their any longer.  Check the time on my phone '11:48'. I sighed 16 minutes. I decided to take a shower to loosen up my tense muscles. I finished the shower wrapping myself in a towel. I walked out the bathroom to a drawer Rider said I could use and pulled out a pair of pajamas.

I smiled I didn't pick out anything but underwear

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I smiled I didn't pick out anything but underwear. Rider is too much. I put it on and climb into bed. I checked the time again '11: 58' 2 mins till midnight. Or what is called 'takeover time.'

I took a deep breath  and went to the closet to retrieve the snacks. I grabbed as many as I could and placed them on the other side of the bed. My phone went off signalling midnight and it was followed by a bunch of demonic screams.

Saving Him (BWWM) (HEAVY EDITING) Where stories live. Discover now