Chapter 29

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***Rider's P.O.V***

I'm pretty sure I ran a lot of stoplights but I didn't care I was too busy worrying about Ava.

Went I finally got there I quickly carried Ava to the E.R.

"Someone help!" I yelled getting the attention of multiple nurses and patients.

One came up to me. "What's wrong sir?"

"My girlfriend cut her wrist." The nurse nodded and signaled for some other nurses to help.

"We need you to stay here, a doctor will come to get you in while."

***A few hours later***

What the hell is taking so long? I was pacing back and forth. Some of the women in the waiting room where giving me looks of lust. It didn't bother me until I noticed my shirt was unbuttoned. I quickly left for the bathroom to fix my shirt.

When I came back out there were looks of disappointment. I smirked. They must not have anything better to do.

"Excuse me sir are you Ava Smith's boyfriend?"

"Yes I am." A few groans and 'she's lucky' were said

"Your girlfriend is fine she just lost a lot of blood. So we gave her a few blood bags."

I signed in relief. Thank god.

"You can go see her but visiting hours end at 10:00 pm."

"What room is she in?"

"27B on the second floor."

I took the elevator. My back was no longer bothering me. But I still wasn't taking the stairs.

I quickly got off the elevator and searched for her room. The nurse from earlier walked out the room.

She stopped in front of me and said "She's awake but don't asked her too many questions. She has a headache so don't speak loudly."

I nodded "Thank you."

"No problem I'm just doing my job."

I walked pass her and towards Ava.

She looked... Stressed.

***Ava's P.O.V***

This headache is annoying as hell. I rubbed my temples. It wasn't helping.

"Ava?" I looked up at Rider. I stayed silent unsure of what I should say. I bit my lip and looked away.

"Are you ok?"

I nodded. He walked over to side I was facing and sat in the chair.

"Why did you cut yourself?" I sighed.

"I thought you would be better off with someone else. That's... Prettier than... Me..."

"Ava your the best thing that happened to me. Why would I be with someone else?"


"Don't you dare say your ugly."

"But I am."

"No your not."

"What's so good about me? Huh?"

"First off your personality is beautiful. You have hair darker than a starless sky. Your eyes are a beautiful shade of brown and you have the body every girl wants."

I gave him a surprised look. "No girls want to be skinny."

He rolled his eyes. "Ava you completely ignored my compliments."


"Excuse me but are you Ava Smith?" I looked to the door to see two police officers.

"Yes why?"

"Your parents have been found guilty of child abuse and rape. Your sister is in a correctional facility for troubled teens. And you are  being put into foster care."

Saving Him (BWWM) (HEAVY EDITING) Where stories live. Discover now