Chapter 26

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***Ava's P.O.V***

I had to make a few more bowls of Mac and cheese before he was full.

"Okay now I I have to check the damage." I stated.

Rider's eyes widened "Um...  No I'm fine."

"Sorry but I'm pretty sure you need stitches. Your still bleeding. I'm surprised you haven't fainted yet."

"What do you know about stitches?" Rider questioned.

"I... I just know."

"I don't believe you."



"I was in a life or death situation. I would have either let that person die or help. I didn't know what to do and she bleed to death. I taught myself to stitch so I wouldn't have to watch someone die again."

"Ava I-"

"Don't say anything I don't need your sympathy. If you really don't want me to stitch you up I won't. But I'm not gonna watch you slowly kill yourself. I'm going upstairs."

He grabbed my arm "Fine."


"You can stitch me up but if it hurts-"

"It's gonna hurt Rider."

He groaned. "Well as long as I get a kiss after I'll be fine."

I chuckled. "Why are you so obsessed with kissing me?"

"Because your sweet and I love you." He said yanking me down and nuzzled his head in my neck.

"Rider I have to stitch you up first."

"Five more minutes."

"No let me go get the first aid kit out the bathroom."


"Rider!" He hesitantly let me go and I ran upstairs to get the kit.

When I was coming down the stairs I heard a yelp. I tripped trying to see what was wrong and Rider was on the floor.

"What were you doing?!" I yelled.

"Trying to walk." Before I got to him I took a good look at his back. There were 8 angry bleeding marks on his back.

"Those must be the places his bones popped out." I whispered.


"Nothing nothing. Just thinking about something." I said helping him on the couch.

"Turn and lay on your stomach."

"Easier said than done." Rider muttered.


Hello my geeks, nerds, dorks, and ice tea;)

I shall post my new book 'The Loner' in a few minutes for those of you interested. If your not enjoy the chapter!

Saving Him (BWWM) (HEAVY EDITING) Where stories live. Discover now