Chapter 23

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***Ava's P.O.V***

I jumped at the sound. That's probably what Rider meant by screams. I plugged in my headphones and turned it up as loud. as I could. It didn't help. I could still hear the screams. My heart constricted. It's not him. It's not him. I chanted in my head. It's Ace not Rider. The screams got louder and louder.

No no no don't leave the room. In every, horror movie you've seen you know not to leave the room.

The screaming had turned into laughing. Evil laughing.


Come untie me.

I'm fine just come and untie me. 

Don't move Ava. Don't listen.


Come on and untie me.

Get up of my head you sick bastard!


That's not nice.

Why won't you untie me?

Don't you love me?

Leave. Me. ALONE!

Ava...  Why are you so mean to me.

I love you and this is how your gonna treat?

I was breathing heavily. My body was shaking.

An image popped into my head. Rider was staring at me. Crying. I know that's not him though. His eyes where red and black. His teeth were sharp like blades and he had bones popping out of his back. There was also more of that  black blood on the ground and covering his body.

I'm in pain Ava.

Help me...

I started sobbing. Leave me alone you monster. Your hurting an innocent boy. Your nothing. You use someone weaker than you. I hate you. You disgust me.

The image disappeared. And the screaming started again.

After all I did for you.

This is how you repay me?

Leaving me tied up in this basement.

Your the monster.

Your damn right I'm a monster. Im an outcast to the world. At least I don't hurt people like you. I don't corrupt innocence like you. So I'm not as despicable as you.

The screaming stopped. And it was dead silent. I stayed where I was. I didn't move I took this chance to fall asleep.

I was startled awake. The screams had started again.

I checked my phone '3:18 am' I growled. Rider is so lucky I can't come out of this room or I would have murdered his stupid demon.

Saving Him (BWWM) (HEAVY EDITING) Where stories live. Discover now