Chapter 8

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Ava's P.O.V

Ugh please say yes if he doesn't I'll be stuck with my aunt. I turned to him. He looks like a tomato. Is he ok? "I... Um... I" he stuttered. "It's fine if you say no it was just a suggestion that I stay with a friend." I state. "Is that a yes or no young man?" Asked Principal Taylor. "Sure... I guess." Said Rider. H-h-he s-s-said yes. My face grew hot. He actually said yes "Ms.Smith?" "Huh- I mean yes?" "You may leave now." Oh... Wait where's Rider he was right- "You okay?" I jumped. It was Rider. "Um yeah." I say. He chuckled "why are you so jumpy?" He asked "I don't really trust people." I stated. "Why?" What's with the questions? "I used to people walking all over me or just ignore me..." I say. "Well" he stood up. "Let's go" 

Rider's P.O.V

This is gonna be really awkward. A person I met just a few days ago. Is coming to my house. And it's a girl. Is she gonna change her attitude when she sees my house? What if- "HELLO?!?!?!" someone screamed. I look to see Ava snapping her fingers in my face. "You stopped, Are we here?" I stopped? When did I stop? "No, not yet." I say I kept walking.

I awkward silence between us was killing me. But luckily we got to the house, without her parents seeing. "Woah..." Ava gasped. I chuckled softly. "What's so funny?" She asked. I smiled "Nothing" I opened the door. "Let me show you the room you'll be staying in" I say. Luckily we don't have school tomorrow, so I can show her where everything is. I took up two flights of stairs. She groaned. "What's wrong?" I questioned. "Too many stairs." I started laughing.

Ava's P.O.V

Why is he laughing?!?! It's not funny why can't I have a room on the ground floor?!?!?!?! "STOP LAUGHING AT ME!!!" I felt self conscious. "I'm... Sorry..." He said between breaths. I yanked his hoodie off. "HEY!! WHAT WAS THAT FOR!!" He yelled "It's for being a jerk." I spat.

Hehehehehe Their staying in the same house 😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈
Colita 😘😆 

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