Chapter 31

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***Rider's P.O.V***

I wish I could spend more time with Ava...

I wish I met her a while ago...

I wish I could be there for her now...

Wishes don't come true.

***Ava's P.O.V***

I woke up to Rider's smiling face. But his eyes held pain. Today is my last day before I leave for my new home.

I got off the bed and stretched. I couldn't move that much because I was still hooked up to this machine.

"I'm gonna miss you Ava." Rider whispered wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I'm going to miss you too Rider."

He groaned. "Why do the good people disappear from your life as soon as they appeared?"

"I don't know. But we still have each other's number so we can still keep in contact."

"But I want to see your beautiful face every day."

"There's something called FaceTime Rider."

"That's not good enough-"

"Good morning Ms.Jones I'm here to give you your last bag of blood before you leave." Nurse Jenna stated. Why do I need some many?

"Um ok." I held out my arm.  Rider tighten his grip around my waist.

"I hate needles." Rider whispered in my ear.

I smiled and whispered back "So Rider does have a weakness? That seems impossible."

"Shut up. It's not my only weakness."

"What is that?"

"Losing you."

"Awww you two are so cute."

I forgot she was in here...

And telling from Rider's face. He forgot too. 

"Um..." I trailed off.

"You forgot I was here didn't you?"

Rider and I nodded.

"Well after this bag is it will be about time for you to check out and get on with your lives." Jenna stated.

I huffed. The world just wants me to leave...

Rider sighed. "I don't want this morning to end." He mumbled.

"I don't either but I guess we have the memories of our time together." I say.

"Including that time when you got jealous." He smirked.

"Your still stuck on that. Wait till you hear how I got sent to the office in the first place."

"What did happen?" He asked.

"A bunch of assholes were talking about you. And let's say... They were scared of me to say the very least."

"Aww so you do care about me." He cooed I smacked his chest.

"Ow!" He groaned.

"Who cares about you again?" I questioned.

"Oh come on Ava!" He pouted

I laughed. "I care about you Rider don't worry." His face lit up like a little kid.

Saving Him (BWWM) (HEAVY EDITING) Where stories live. Discover now