Chapter 28

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Warning suicidal thoughts and actions occur in this chapter. If your uncomfortable with this there will be another note before it begins then there will be another signalling the end.

Enjoy the chapter.


***Ava's P.O.V***

I ran straight to the room grabbing my backpack, phone, and charger.

She's exotic.

Those two words triggered memories of that day when my mother sold my virginity. That day was the worst day of my life.

It begins

Wait. I don't matter. No one cares. Maybe I should put every out of their misery. I took a deep breath and reached in my bag.

I pulled out the one thing u can rely on. My blade. I pulled my sleeves up and revealed my old scars. I took the blade to my arm multiple times until I felt numb. I dropped the blade with my hands shaking. I smiled.

Goodbye Rider. I'll never forget your smile. I didn't get to tell you this but I love you.

It ended.

The rest of the chapter is in Rider's point of view.

I climbed the stairs. And tried to open the door. It's locked. 

"Ava!" I yelled.

No answer.

"Ava!" No no no please be okay. I kicked the door. It wouldn't budge. I kicked it again and the door went flying. I searched the room until my eyes landed on a bleeding, smiling Ava.

"Dad call the Ambulance!"

I went to her side looking for the source of her bleeding. It was her wrist I grabbed a shirt from a dresser and tied up her wrist. I picked her up in bridal style and carried her down the stairs.

"Did you call them?!"

"What for?" I growled at him.

"I'm taking a car and driving her to the hospital."

"What's wrong with her?"

I glared at him. He's a blind business man. I ran out the door yanking a pair of keys off the counter.

"Where are you going?!" Dad called. He asks way too many questions.

I cried writing this chapter. Did anyone else?
Guess what I'm going to be nice and post another chapter. Just so you know the book only has a few more chapters left. BUT there will be a sequel its gonna be called 'Old Friends' you'll figure out why later.

Don't hate me


Saving Him (BWWM) (HEAVY EDITING) Where stories live. Discover now