Chapter 30

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***Ava's P.O.V****

No... I can't... I can't lose Rider.

"As soon as you are released from the hospital we will escort you to the airport."

Rider stood up "Can I take her." The policeman looked at each other then one said. "We will follow close behind you in case you try something."

"Wait what about my stuff?" I asked.

"It's in the car." Rider stated.


"We know you two would like to be alone so you can contact any close friends of your and say your goodbyes." I nodded and they left.

"Ava when will you be released?"

"Tomorrow at 2:30 pm"

"Well I'm gonna go see if I could stay over night and what I need to do to stay."

I nodded. He really does care... I smiled.

"You should smile more often you have a beautiful smile." Rider stated before walking out the door. Your the first person to make me smile in while Rider and you don't even realize it.

***Sometime later***

Rider walked in with my backpack and a change of clothes for him.

"I got your bag from the car in case you need something from it. I'm gonna   change because what I'm wearing smells like blood."

"Ok" I say. He gave me my bag and left again. I searched it for my phone and found it. I guess I'm gonna ask him for his number.

I sighed it sounds easy but I might freeze up trying to ask. Then I went to the app I hated the most... The camera...

"Ms.Jones time for another blood bag." I look up to see Jenna the nurse from earlier.

"Ok." I put my phone face down and held out my arm. She searched for a vein and pricked it with a needle. It didn't hurt anymore. 

Probably because I've cut myself so many times I've gotten used to pain.

She set the blood up and said "When the blood is done call for me and I'll remove the needle."


She left with that.

Not even a second later Rider walked in wear gray jogging pants and a white shirt. A tight shirt.

His muscles where on full display and it took everything in me not to stare.

Instead I fiddled with my phone wondering how I was supposed to asked him for his number or a picture.

Or both...

"What's on your mind Ava?" I looked up at him and he was staring back at me intently. His blue eyes were shining in the florescent light. I groaned. 

Why me?

"I-i w-want to a-ask you f-for your n-number."

Just kill me now...

He smirked "And if I say no?" 

"Then you s-say no..."

Curse you Rider for having this effect on me.

"Yes you can have my number Ava."

My heart flipped right then and there.

"Y-your serious... Right?"

Saving Him (BWWM) (HEAVY EDITING) Where stories live. Discover now