Chapter 15

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Ava's P.O.V

I changed into what I wore yesterday. And as soon as I tried to walk out the door My phone rung playing "I'm a dead girl walking" from the Musical "Heathers"
And I instantly knew who it was. My mother

I started to panic. No no no no no. She's calling me. My breathing became uneven. Why me? All though I know I shouldn't answer I picked up the phone. "Hello?" I say trying to hide my fear.

"Hello my beautiful daughter." What the hell?

"Are you ok mom?"

"Never been better. Now why don't you come home before your punishment gets worse." Her voice suddenly getting harsh.

I gathered up all the courage I had and said "No"

"What do you mean 'no' I order you to." She yelled.

"I'm done being your little slave. I'm fed up with having to deal with your ass mother. I'm not gonna let you control me. See you in court bitch."


I hung up before she could say anything else. I held my breath for a second remembering that day. The day she took it too far.

I put on a brave face and walked down the stairs. Rider was waiting at the bottom. "What took you so long?" He asked

"Girl stuff." I say.

Are you ready for the grand tour of Coleman estate?" He said taking a bow.

I laughed "Yes indeed." I say playing along. I did a curtsy to top it all off.

He chuckled and lead me though the house.

It was huge. And there were parts we couldn't explore because they were under construction. The house was cool though. It was decorated in a modern day theme which was really nice. I'm pretty sure if I where my sister right now I would be all over him trying to get him to buy me stuff. But I'm not her and I never will be.

"Can I take you shopping please?" Rider asked for the fourth time.

"No." I say still holding my ground.

"Why?" He whined.

"Because I don't want you to." I state.

"Your thinking about how I  perceive you aren't you?" He asked.

"No." I say

"Then let me buy you stuff. You deserve it." He said not backing down.

I groaned. "No I don't." I muttered.

Rider blocked my path. "Don't say that Ava. You so deserve it. Your too hard on yourself."

"It's true I don't." I say.

He grabbed my chin and looked at me with those beautiful eyes and kissed me.

See yay later guys!

Saving Him (BWWM) (HEAVY EDITING) Where stories live. Discover now