Chapter 18

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***Ava's P.O.V***

He was still surprised at how I was serious about his eyes.

"Are you sure you can use a random blue?"

"Yes I'm sure."



"Ok fine." The walk to the mall from where he parked was long. When we finally got there the cool breeze from the ac hit me like a punch in the face. I shivered.

"You ok?" Rider asked.

"Yeah just cold." I should have brought my jack. I was currently wearing a short sleeve shirt and blue jeans with my tennis shoes that looked like they would rip at any second. Rider put his jacket around my shoulders.

"Where do you want to go first?" He asked.

"Victoria Secret."

"Why there?"

"I need underwear."

He sighed "ok"

Victoria Secret wasn't that far from where we walked in. Rider gave me his credit card and waited outside. I bought two pairs of bras and panties and gladly left that place.

"That's all?" Rider questioned. I nodded my head and he pushed me back towards the door of Victoria secret.

"Go in there and buy the half the store." He stated


"Because your gonna need more than that." I groaned and went back in and came out with 5 bags full of underwear. Rider nodded in approval and we walked towards a clothing store and Rider asked what my size was. And did most of the shopping grabbing everything in my size. I even told him I wasn't gonna wear half of it he still bought it. There was also a girl who worked he that hasn't stopped asking Rider if he needed help.

"Rider don't you think your over doing it? Buying all these clothes?"


"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure although you look cute in my clothes you need your own." I sighed

"After this could we go eat?"

"After we buy you shoes."

"No! Rider I'm fine with my shoes that I have." He looked at my feet and raised his eyebrow.

"Those things on your feet you call shoes deserve to be burned."

"You know what I give up max out your credit card for all I care I'm going back to the car."


"No I told you I didn't like shopping and you haven't kept your promise. We have been here for six hours and haven't even grabbed a drink!" I walk out the store and head for the door carrying bags of things he already paid for.

"Ava wait up!" I kept walking.



"What was that about?"

I huffed. "Look I'm sleepy,  pissed off, and hungry I don't feel like walking anymore. I finally reached the car. I went for the door. It's locked. I groaned.

"Ava what's the real reason you walked out?"

"What do you mean?"

"Ava was it because of the girl?" I didn't say anything.

"Are you jelly?" He said smirking. And I still didn't say anything.

Saving Him (BWWM) (HEAVY EDITING) Where stories live. Discover now