Chapter 14

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Ava's P.O.V

I decided to make a good breakfast and not just bowls of cereal. Because his frigerator is LOADED!!!
I couldn't stop drooling. He had like 15 of EVERYTHING!! I thought I was in heaven. But I stopped drooling and made breakfast but my stomach was killing me.

After about 20 minutes of cooking I set the table and started to eat. "It smells delicious." Rider stated take a seat beside me and grabbing everything withim arms length. "Slow down dude it's not going anywhere." I say while he stuffed his face with bacon.

"I can't it taste so   good." He said with his mouth full.

"How long exactly has it been since you've had a home cooked meal?" I questioned. Taking a sip of my orange juice.

"I'm not sure, I think about.." he counted on his fingers. "11 years."

I spit out my orange juice. 11 years?! How?! How is that possible? "Where's your parents?" I asked "My mom is dead and my dad takes month long trips to avoid me." He said bluntly. How does that not effect him? So he's spent most of his life, including those special moments, alone? Well I can't say anything because that's how it was with mine they would leave me in the house alone, starving, and clueless about how to take care of myself. So I learned. Without help how to take care of myself through books and magazines.

"Earth to Ava?" Rider said.

"What?" I said still dazed.

"You started to daydream as soon as I told you about my parents. I did?

"Oh" I say

"Are you finished eating yet? I want to show you around the house and get to know you better." He stated. I nodded and got up to clean the dishes, but he took the plates out my hand and said "I got it, you go change. You shouldn't have to do the dishes and cook the food."

I gave him a puzzled look and walked towards the stairs.


Saving Him (BWWM) (HEAVY EDITING) Where stories live. Discover now