Chapter 25

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***Ava's P.O.V***

I woke up sticky and coughing.

Coughing because of the revolting smell. And sticky because of the black... Blood.

I slowly peel myself away from Rider. And ran up the stairs. I went to the nearest bathroom and gasp. My hair had big knots and wads of the blood all over it the blood on my face was dry and coming off. My clothes completely ruined. They were drenched in his. Blood. I stopped looking at my clothes and looked at... Well... Me...  My eyes were a light brown. My skin was still chocolate. And my body still big and littered with scars. I quickly look away and want to the room to get some clothes.

I walk towards the bathroom and place the clothes by the sink

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I walk towards the bathroom and place the clothes by the sink. I hop into the shower. Rubbing dove on a rag and get the blood off my face and body.

***Rider's P.O.V***

I woke up sore and thirsty. But the first thing I noticed was the black foot steps leading up the stairs. I attempt to sit up but a sharp pain in my back stop me from getting far. I  feel weak. I'm not supposed to feel like this. I try to get up again and scream out in pain.

Ava came running down the stairs with her body still wrapped in a towel.

"Rider what happened?!" She ran to me and helped me sit up.

"I... Tried to get up."

"Rider stop straining yourself you need to rest."

"But I'm thirsty..."

"I'll get you some water just stay still."

I smiled. "Your too good for me Ava..."

"Stop talking Rider." She said walking towards the kitchen.

***20 mins later.***

Ava came back and handed me  some orange juice and a placed a bowl of Mac and cheese in front of me.

I looked at her then the plate.

"Don't question it Ri I'm going to put on my clothes. I swear if you move I'm going to tape you to the couch." She is something else. I didn't respond all I did was smile. I've been smiling a lot lately. And it's all because of her. It's been a long time since I've smiled this much.

"Okay I'm back." I couldn't turn around because of my stupid back.

"You haven't drank the orange juice." She said walking in front of me and grabbing the plate. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Isn't that mine?" I asked. She smiled.

"Yes it's your but apparently you can't move your arms."

"I know..."

"There's nothing wrong with that Ri. It's ok to let someone else take care of you sometimes."

She took the cup from my and put it to my lips. I drank every little drop.

"Geez I bet your hungry too." I didn't say anything because my stomach answered for me. She took a fed me all the Mac and cheese in the bowl. But I was still hungry. 

Saving Him (BWWM) (HEAVY EDITING) Where stories live. Discover now