Chapter 27

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***Ava's P.O.V***

After a few hours of stitches and constant complaints from Rider I finally finished.

"Why do stitches hurt so much?!" Rider growled.

"I asked you if you wanted someone sleep pills but your ego is bigger than your brain."


"I'm telling the truth."

He huffed "Well you didn't the to be so rude."

"Ugh let's just see if you can stand up."

"I want my kiss before anything."

"Ri I didn't have time for this I'm trying to help you and your pushing your luck."

"You give me a Nickname I get a kiss."

"Your so childish."

"I know."

I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"There's your kiss now get up!"

"That's not fair! You promised me two kisses."

I chuckled. Ri I'm just trying to get you-

"Rider. Who is this?"

***Rider's P.O.V***

No no no....

Dad can't be back. I thought the trip was a few months?!

"Rider please explain who this young lady is."

Ava's breath hitched. I guess I'm not the only one who's scared of my dad.

My father Charles Coleman is the most feared business man in the world. He wasn't always like this. He was loving before mom died. At least I think he was. I was three when she died from breast cancer.

"Dad this is Ava. Ava this is my dad."

"Hello..." Ava greeted.

"What is she doing in my house?"

"She's staying for awhile dad."

"For what reason."

I looked to Ava when she said "I'm here because of my abusive family. They're being investigated and it was best that I stay with a friend for awhile because my whole family hates me."

"Rider she's..."

"She's what dad?"




"Dad are you being racist?"

"She's exotic!"

"Love doesn't discriminate dad."

"You love her?!"

"We're dating actually."

He gave her a look of disgust. "How? She's probably just another gold digger."

Ava spoke up "I'm nothing like others girls Mr.Coleman. I would never live off of someone else! I earn what I get! I never asked Rider to buy me anything. I never even thought about money being with him! I was just happy someone cared about me! But if your mind set is that I'm a Black and a gold digger I'll gladly pack my things and leave!" She was holding back tears. She quickly went upstairs.

"Dad what the hell! The one time I actually find someone that makes me happy you want to ruin it! If you remember the conversation we had you'll remember you said you didn't want to lose the only family you have left. If you don't want lose me accept the fact I love her!" I stood up wincing in pain and quickly walked towards the stairs to go talk to Ava.

"I just want what's best for you Rider. You have to understand this from my point of view."

"That's funny last time I checked you spend every second you can away from me. If you really want whats best for me you would've been decent enough to alert spend some time with me as a child! Or a least there for me since you know what I am."

I walked up the stairs not looking back.

That escalated quickly didn't it? Give me your opinion on the chapter.



Saving Him (BWWM) (HEAVY EDITING) Where stories live. Discover now