Chapter 12

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Ava's P.O.V

He was pouting his lips begging me for my food. "Please?" He asked "Fuck off Rider this is my food."

"I haven't had a home cooked meal in so long! Please?" 

"Here's a home cooked meal cereal. You seem to have plenty of that!" I'm tired, hungry and grumpy. I'm also so close to grabbing a piece of my toast and shoving it down his throat.
I'm surprised I haven't do that yet. "Please?" He asked again.

"You know what take it I'm not hungry anymore." I pushed the plate to him and started for the stairs. I'm gonna take a shower and- wait I don't have any clothes aside from the ones I'm wearing. I groaned. "I'M BORROWING SOME CLOTHES RIDER KAY THANKS!!!" I screamed. I ran into his room, locked the door, grabbed the first shirt and shorts I saw in the drawer, and took a shower.

When I got out the shower I could hear him banging on the door. I open it while I was still in the robe I saw hanging up.

He was smirking. I scoffed and walked back into the bathroom to change my clothes. "I need to take a shower too." He stated.

"Sorry Charlie I was here first so you better wait." I say locking the door. I changed my clothes. And walked out the door. He was staring at his phone faced the other way. "Where's your extra blankets?" I asked. He jumped and dropped his phone.

"In the closet." He said trying to regain his composure. "Why do you need them?" He asked.

"I'm sleeping on the couch remember?" His eyes got darker.

"No you take the bed I'll take the couch." His voice full of seriousness.

"Okay?" I say astonished at how he got all defensive about me being on the couch.

"I'm gonna take a shower." He said standing up walking towards the bathroom. I muttered a short "ok" and checked my phone "11:03" I growled. Hopefully he did hear that. I tossed my phone on the other side of the bed and got under the sheets. This is the latest I've ever been up. Rider better not wake me up early tomorrow or so help me all hell will break lose.


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