Chapter 11 p2

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Ava's P.O.V

What girl would be that cruel to break a innocent boy's heart like that?
"I-i-i thought she loved me..." He said he looked like he would cry. I pulled him in for a hug. He nuzzled his head into my neck and sobbed softly. He looked so broken no wonder he kept to himself. He didn't want to get hurt again. We stood there for a while. And I started to sing, "I know a boy who likes to keep his burner on, he's always running with no one to keep warm,it's like he's flirting with a smoke alarm, his fire is fading..."  He started snoring he was asleep... BUT HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO GET HIM TO THE BED?!?!?! I let out a heavy sigh. This is gonna take a while...

A few minutes later

I was gasping for air. Why is he so heavy!?!? Some how he didn't wake up. I went back to where we were a grabbed my stuff. Why was it beeping? I checked the screen and my alarm for 9:30 pm was going off. What?!?! How is it so late?  I haven't even ate anything. My poor stomach... Now I have to go find the kitchen. So... Much... Work... Welp let's start looking.

Rider's P.O.V

Her voice was soothing. It  was calming. But the next thing I know I was waking up to... Cooking? What the hell? Is someone in the house??

I jumped off the bed and ran down stairs. Who the hell is in the house? I stopped in my tracks to see a dancing Ava. "What are you doing?!?!" I asked just to get a smart response "Cooking obviously! And after this I'm going to bed." She said. "But it's the weekend." I stated "So I enjoy sleep you got a problem with that?" She questioned. I chuckled. "No not at all. I reached over her shoulder and she smacked my hand away. "No touching MY food. She stated Geez I'm hungry too you don't have to be greedy.

IM ALIVE!!!!!!! How are you guys? Sorry I haven't updated. I've been busy since it's the the end of the school year and I gotten project... Anyways ENJOY THE CHAPTER AND COMMENT WHAT YOU THINK!!!!!!!!!!
Keep Reading,
Colita 😘😝

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