Chapter 4

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Alexander POV
I woke up in a different room I sat up on the unknown bed rubbing my eyes with my fists I looked around and saw the colorful walls and pictures, "I'm in Johns room" I thought looking around admiring the beautiful pictures I smiled to myself and sat up wincing at the pain in my lower back

"Washington showed no mercy" I growled struggling to stand up, I walked or more like hoped into the bathroom and to the sink to grab my pastel pink brush to brush my teeth I felt someone behind me and looked into the mirror to see none other than John Lauren's behind me softly grabbing my hips "Good morning Beautiful" he whispered kissing my ear

"Morning" I reply cleaning my mouth and brush and walking to the door and unhooking my towel walking towards the shower to start my awful fucking day well I didn't know it was awful yet.

John POV
"Peggy there's something totally wrong with him!" I said screaming at Peggy as she walked faster away from me "No John I don't want to talk about Alexander" she said slowing down to turn around and look at me "C'mon Peggy do you really still hold a grudge on him!" I said in frustration "Yes of course I do, what he did to Angelica and Eliza was terrible he lead them on into his sick game and twisted them around his finger to get all the pleasure he wants than threw them aside like they were nothing!" She screamed earning looks from other students as she made the actions with her hands.

"Peggy I understand but he's been throwing up and crying for the littlest of things" I said looking down at my shoes as I fiddled with my hands "Well John leave me out of it" She scoffed than continued "for all I care he could be pregnant or something!" She said spitting the words out and walking to 2nd period.

"pregnant" I mumbled not believing it but the amount of sex Alexander had in a week was enough to send a old woman to death but pregnant that can't be he has had to use protection with Washington all the time Alexander was smart, I nodded satisfied with my self thoughts as I walked to my 2nd period as well
Alexander POV

"I feel like I'm close to death" I screamed across the room as Lafayette held my hair back  as I continued to barf in the toilet in between sentences "Mon amour what the fuck did you eat that made you this sick" he said looking away from me "oh jee just a bite of a burrito and your shitty baguette" I screamed clutching my stomach in amusement when I saw Lafayette gasp "your the worse Alex" he said holding my hair tighter we were interrupted by Hercules busting through the front door "I HAVE FUCKING SOUP AND A LOT OF BLANKETS" he screamed frantically in the living room.

Lafayette walked out of the bathroom as I flushed the toilet and brushed my teeth and pulling my hair into a messy bun, I heard Lafayette giggling about something, I walked to the living room seeing Hercules carrying many soups "Why did you bring so much" I sighed touching the containers and opening them up to see the soups "Because I didn't know which you would like best" he said smiling "Well chicken soup of course that's what everyone likes" I mumbled my voice weak from screaming "Well that's just boring! I have tomato soup chicken soup, Extra chicken soup, mushroom soup-" I cut him off as he open up the rest of the containers.

"I think chicken soup is f-fine" I whispered my voice cracking from the tears forming in my eyes Lafayette was first to notice as Hercules went inside the small kitchen to heat up the soups "you okay Alexander ?" He asked worried  "Yes, yeah I'm fine" I said clearing my raspy throat and quickly wiping the tears "Well your crying are you sure?" He said placing a comforting hand on my back rubbing softly "Yes I am crying aren't I?" I said wiping away more tears with my thumb "Alexander why are you crying" Lafayette said more sternly "I'm crying because-Because? I actually d-don't kno-know why I'm crying?" I said almost laughing.

"Okay Lafayette grab the keys and the soup we're going to the doctors" Hercules said rushing me outside "What why I'm fine" I said smiling weakly to prove it "see?!" He looked me in the face and laughed "Yeah were still going you've been doing this for almost a week!" I sighed knowing he was right and just let him drag me outside the dorm but of course I still protested because well I'm Alexander Hamilton.

We walked outside bumping into John "Hey? Where are you guys going isn't Alexander sick?" John said concerned written on his face "Yes he is sick Johnny that's why we are taking him to the doctors" Lafayette chirped holding all of Hercules soup "Well than I'm coming with" John said walking alongside Hercules and I.

•Time skip cause I'm a lazy shit•

All 4 of us, and the soups that I have eaten half by the way who knew mushroom soup was so good?, entered the hospital while all of us immediately rushed to the waiting room as Hercules checked me in because I was far to tired to do anything at the moment but cuddle in Johns arms, we waited a few as we played stupid games like confessions "Who would you fuck here" Hercules whispered in my ear later giggling like a teen girl who just got asked to the prom I smirked and look right at John "Laurens of course" Hercules laughed and Lafayette tried to giggle along but was confused so it just looked awkward and John looked away turning pink and fiddling with his fingers

Before Lafayette could flip the Coin a nurse called my name "Alexander Hamilton" she said as I raised my hand and walked towards her as the guys send smiles and Hercules sent finger guns, I followed the nurse into a white blank room as she asked me questions as soon as I sat down "so Mr.Hamilton how are you feeling?" She said smiling at me sweetly "well my stomach hurts and I'm barfing a lot and I get weird mood swings" I said bluntly as she wrote everything down nodding her head slightly "Have you had any sexual-" I cut her off sighing slightly "I'm sorry but I'm not pregnant" I said nodding my head surely as I felt a strand of hair fly out of my bun onto my face.

"Well these all sound like you are Mr.Hamilton but if your sure you not I'll let it go but can I get a urine sample to be sure?" She said tilting her head to the side and smiling I sighed again and nodded agreeing to the nurse she clapped and gathered her things handing me a small cup and giving me directions to the restroom, as I walked to the restroom I passed my friends as John walked towards me "So anything new?" John asked I smiled "No I'm just going to take a quick test" John nodded and sat down to inform the others

I walked down the hall reaching the restroom as I began to pee in the cup "I better not be fucking pregnant" I said poking my stomach

A/N: hello children in sorry I've been gone but what do you think? The story is honestly going to "begin" in the next chapter so be readyyyyy - Cris 💕💫

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