Chapter 27

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(Song and picture of the park up there
Alexander POV
Fuck? Was he actually going to do it I sat down next to John holding hands behind us so no one would notice his father dismissed himself to his office for work which seemed like something he did often.

Everyone was on the edge of their seat waiting for John to speak "Well um me and Alexander are dating.." John started but was cut off by Henry junior.

"Alexander and I" he corrected with s smug smile while looking at me which I tried to cover a chuckle john sent both of us daggers which sent the "not now" type of look a mom gives you.

"Junior stop being annoying and let him speak" said James punching his brothers arm as junior shrieked grabbing his arm rather quickly.

"As I was saying" John said staring at Henry "we are dating but we weren't always dating before something happened" he said looking down almost regretting having to say the next words.

"What happened?" Johns mom asked with a confused look on her face as she held Johns hands who looked so closed to tears, I was too but hiding emotions is a super power I've earned long ago.

"I'm pregnant" I blurted out seeing everyone's heads snap to me with their mouths wide open. I felt stupid I seriously didn't want the Laurens parents or Laurens siblings to hate me after all me and John have went through so much I didn't want this to separate us.

"How long.." Ms. Laurens asked softly holding Johns hands tighter waiting for him to look up "3 months" John whispered looking at his mother.

"Almost 10 weeks?" James said I looked at him and nodded he looked away rubbing his eyes "Johnny why didn't you guys tell us sooner".

"I j-just didn't w-want you to hate me" he whispered tears dripping from his forest green eyes looking at Johns tears made me cry as well tears dripping from my brown eyes.

She hugged John "John Laurens, Nothing in this life would ever make me hate you" she said, she looked over at me and took my hand "as well as you Alexander" I was taken back from her words but I nodded feeling the tears poor faster.

"What are you going to do with the baby?" Henry asked looking at us, now this is the next part that would be hard telling them our decision.

"Well I'm taking-" I cut him off quickly there was some things about that I wanted to talk to John about "we don't know yet" I said glancing at John who was confused but kept quiet.

Johns mom stood up "whatever you choose I support you both all the way" she said kissing both me and John on the forehead "I assume you will tell your sisters and father later John?" She said narrowing her eyes.

"Yes mother" he replied dreading the feeling to tell his father she winked at us and walked off I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

John POV
Alexander let on a breath resting his head on my shoulder "that went way better than I thought" he spoke his eyes still closed as he talked to me.

"Yeah it did, my mom is super understanding and Henry and James are free spirits" I explained resting my head on his wrapping an arm around his waist as I shut my eyes as well.

I opened my eyes when I felt a thought waltz into my brain "Hey Lexi?" I asked he hummed in response "why did you say we didn't know we already went over it?" I said knowing what the plan was since day one.

"Oh umm uh..." he said opening his eyes as well taking his head off my shoulder "let's go somewhere" he said standing up I narrowed my eyes like my mother. "It's 4pm?" I said.

"So? Please let's go anywhere!" He said giving me the feeling he wanted to be anywhere but here.

"Fine" I sighed grabbing my coat keys and phone as we walked to the front door Alexander also grabbed his coat and phone "this conversation isn't over" I warned watching him tensed as he walked outside in front of me going down the patio stairs.

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