Chapter 18

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Alex POV
It's officially been a week since Johns outburst in his room making me a officially 2 months pregnant... wow

I haven't asked him about the broken mirror he threw away or some of his art supplies on the floor especially the green paint he bought that day at the art shop downtown.

He has locked himself in his room more often only coming out for food I was beginning to get extremely worried, I didn't even care what happened last weekend all I cared about was if he was okay.

"Lafayette we have to do something!" I said sitting at my local coffee shop across a booth with Hercules and Lafayette cuddling

"I don't know mon ami, he seems like he wants to be alone? Every-time I text him he leaves me on open" he said shrugging sinking deeper into Hercules touch as he sipped his vanilla cappuccino

"I agree with cutie over here" Hercules pointed lazily at Lafayette making Lafayette giggle, I fake barfed

"Eww can you guys not act like a married couple please" I asked stirring my black coffee while they both stuck middle fingers and tongues at me

"He hasn't hung out with Francis in a while" I said smiling to myself looking at the coffee shop decorations hanging on the walls

"And that's a good thing why" Hercules teased on making me blush bright red

"Because I don't like him" I half confessed stirring my coffee faster looking at the door when I felt the bell ring

"Whatever Alex" Lafayette said sipping his coffee while the Peggy Schuyler strut in with Maria, Peggy always got the cute girls

She walked past me making a equally disgusted face as I faked mine, I didn't really dislike Peggy I just felt like I had to.

"Hello Lafayette and Hercules" she greeted having Maria wrapped under her as they provided heat for each other

"Hercules and Lafayette" herc tried to correct "right" she said narrowing her eyes "hi Alex , Hercules and Lafayette" Maria greeted shyly we all waved as they began to walk away

I felt weird I wanted to talk to Peggy about John but I feel she would just brush me off and curse me out but all I could think of is John

"Peggy wait" I said softly grabbing her wrist to stop her from walking away, she twisted her wrist out of my grip turning around.

"Yes?" She hissed out looking at Hamilton with pure rage.

"I have to speak to you-" she cut me off
"No-" I cut her off quickly as well "it's about John" I said making her face soften at the mention of her bestfriend

Hercules and Lafayette quickly dismissed themselves so has Maria leaving us alone to speak.

Peggy bit her lip feeling the awkward tension rise up "y-yknow...he hasn't spoken to me in a long time" she stuttered whispering

I nodded agreeing with her "he never leaves his room or speaks" I sighed feeling sad for my friend

"We need to make  a plan" she said standing up with excitement I smiled at her, maybe we could actually be friends.

"Okay, what's our plan?" I asked still grinning as she sat down, Peggy was obviously the best Schuyler sister she was so understanding and kind.

"We need to corner John it will be cruel but it will be the only way to make him talk, all he does is ignore me, and change subjects" she complained looking away from me deep in thought.

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