Chapter 26

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Johns POV
The next morning me and Alex got ready quickly with the bathroom connected to my room after we made our way downstairs were everyone , except my father and Martha and mom, waited for us in the living room.

"Good morning" I yawned out waving at my younger siblings who were sitting on the floor and couches watching some morning tv shows.

No one answered me, to indulged in the tv to even take a second and take notice of my existence "hello Laurens siblings" Alex greeted siting next to Mary on the floor who was laying on her tummy.

"Hi Alex" everyone greeted making me roll my eyes and Alex stick his tongue at me "I'm triggered my own siblings pick Alex over me" I said crossing my arms childishly.

Mary giggled turning to me while she sat between me and Alex "Don't feel bad jojo you know I love you~" she said in a sing song voice giving me a side hug and laying her brown curls on my lap.

"Soooo Alexander" James said wiggling his eyebrows which seemed to be an attempt-ion of flirting but Alexander didn't take it serious at all cutting him off to ask about food.

"We could always go out to eat today?" I asked looking to see the others approvals "we can't go out today Jackie Martha and dad are coming back today!" Henry reminded me.

He was right my sister was coming back for break and my father, he was off in a business trip and Martha had a different flight plus she was all the way in California.

"Alright I'll just post mates something instead ?" I said taking out my phone while running my fingers through Mary's thick brown curls.

•Time skip•

While we were all done eating we decided to go in the backyard and hangout Mary was swinging on a swing while James and Henry both attempted to kill each other while on the monkey bars.

"Your family is so great" Alex said laying his head on my shoulder while we sat on the top of the slide, I laid my head on top of his "our family will be better" I whispered his head shot up looking at me seriously.

"When are we going to tell them? We need to tell them!" He said frantically "tell who what?" James and Henry said right behind us siting down me and Alex both shot our heads in back turning to face them.

"Oh uh nothing" I said playing dumb they weren't buying it "c'mon you could trust us" Henry junior said nudging his elbow to Alex the boy had the biggest puppy crush!

"It's seriously nothing you guys" Alex said fiddling with my fingers, they both sighed feeling the cold air past it was pretty cold outside it was winter after all we all had various layers of unflattering clothes.

"Kids I think we should go back in" I said fearing it would get to cold and mom would be incredibly mad at me when she comes back from her last day of work before her winter break.

They all whined and pleaded but we ended up back inside with hot chocolate and various blankets surrounding us while we watched how the grinch stole Christmas.

"This is scary" Mary whined covering her face with her stubby hands I chuckled "Mary the grinch isn't real and isn't meant to be scary" I tried comforting her while finding this hilarious.

She was siting in my lap her face in my chest we heard a jingle of keys in the door and snapped our heads seeing mom and dad at the doorway, how great.

Alexander's POV
I snapped my head to the door seeing Laurens mom and assuming his dad walking towards us to the living room "hey kids I'm back" a older man who looked a bit like James and Henry not as much as John and Mary he certainly got his mom's genes.

"Hey dad" they mumbled and Mary ran to hug her dads legs he smiled picking her up "Hey princess" after their greeting he put her down staring at John and I.

I reminded myself about the things John told me a few nights ago about his dad not being the nicest or accepting person.

"John nice to see you again" he greeted as John stood up to shake his hand it seemed all forced like John didn't want to shake his hand everyone in the room felt the awkwardness "Whos this?" He said point at me with a raised eyebrow John took a deep breath before talking

"m-my partner" he stuttered I stood up "Alexander Hamilton nice to me you!" I said putting my hand out which he ignored walking to the kitchen "okay then" I whispered to myself .

John waited for his dad to enter the kitchen I assumed to eat and took my wrist softly pulling me upstairs into our room.

"What?! What's wrong?" I asked when he closed and locked the door "I don't know if I could do it this is so bad" he whispered sliding down the door his knees pressed to his chest.

"Do what" I asked softly siting next to him my legs crisscrossed as I put a comforting hand on his shoulder "I can't tell them I c-" he cut himself off with a quiet soft.

"Oh Johnny" I cooed giving him a hug he. Hung his head low almost ashamed and tighten his grip on my arm that was wrapped around his body.

I felt bad for John I knew he wanted To I could tell  he was just petrified on what they would say they specifically his dad with his cold stares and ability to make a whole room awkward by just his entrance that's the kind of man he is.

"I really want to I just c-can't I'm s-so so s-sorry" he sobbed even more gasping for breaths clutching to my arm for dear life like it I'd float away from him and leave him all alone.

"John I completely understand but you can't keep this a secret forever at least not to your mom and siblings" I said rubbing soft circles on his shoulder laying my head on his.

"Could you manage telling them at least?" I asked seeing if he was comfortable with that "y-yes I think s-so" he replied wiping stray tears away I couldn't help but notice how pretty John looked with his messy hair and glossy eyes and his cheeks all red giving his freckles justice.

"Do you want to go downstairs and tell them in the living room" I asked but didn't get a reply when we heard the front door slam open and shut and many squeals erupt downstairs.

John sighed "I think that could wait" he said standing up dusting himself off and unlocking the door I followed closed behind as we rushed downstairs to see all the ruckus.

John POV
When we arrived downstairs I noticed a familiar tall brown headed with a messy bun "Martha?" I called out watching my younger sister spin and look at me "Johnny!" She squealed hugging me tightly as I patted her back.

When we disconnected she turned and pulled Alexander in for a hug she was always a huger she pulled away "you must be Alexander! I've heard so many good things about you Johnny here talks about y-" I cut her off with my screaming.

"AHH STOP TALKING" I screamed watching Martha giggle "how was your flight?" I asked still standing next to Alex my arm around him as we leaned on the doorway of the living room I felt my father send us daggers.

"Oh well very bumpy, but I'm a tough gal" she said smiling, what Martha said was right she was incredibly tough she almost felt like my older sister she played football and was able to tackle me whenever she wanted when we were younger.

"Well it was nice talking to y'all but i should go up and unpack" she said her accent showing, she waved and hopped upstairs with Mary following her, it was always obvious they had a strong connection being the only girls.

I still had the noticeable redness in my face that showed i was crying my mom walked over to me to inspect my face "oh my, John are you okay? What happened" she said pressing her fingers on my chin.

I took her wrist pulling her fingertips away from my face "I'm fine mom" i said intertwining our hands while walking to the couch where we sat with James and Henry "I have something to tell you guys..." I said dragging words.

It was just James Henry and mom it wouldn't be that hard right ?

A/n: Shitty chapter ik but this book is coming to an end in maybe 10 to 5 more chapter but thank you so much for 3k I cannot thank you enough ! -Cris💗💫

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